Isolation devices for Standmounts


New member
Jan 10, 2018
Somerset, UK
I’m coming off a pair of Dynaudio C60 and going to Gryphon Mojo S standmounts. On a suspended oak floor. Stillpoints Ultra SS had a very positive effect on the towers. Does anyone have experience with using them or other for speakers already partially protected from vibration by stands?

Replacing Mojo feet with Stillpoints would result in speaker sitting too low. So I was thinking to engineer a 3” thick oak triangular platform (Mojo has 3 feet) insert three threads and screw Stillpoints into them. I wonder if the gains would be worthwhile?

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If I was you I'd find the hardest wood that is easiest for you to acquire, also the wood that you feel you really want. It'll still be a 1/3 of the price of "mainstream isolation" & shucks, it'll probably sound better. Apart from that, you will learn something from listening to the different materials placed under your speakers as isolation points because they will have an effect on the sound. Whats up to you, is, if you can hear it, is decide which suits your hearing the best.