Active Speakers - would you consider?

Speakers big and the class A amp weighs 200 lb.
Yet small enough to exist only in your head.
Big imaginations again...

My room at Flexpo will be waiting for your imaginary Class A. Cameras will be rolling. Scared eh?
Hit the pipe prior, come relaxed ;)
Ok, you both need to take a break on this thread. The pointless bickering kind of ruined the point of my thread.

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Back on point, after deciding I wasn't jumping into the bottomless pit of component matching I bought a clean used pair of Meridian DSP8000's and the 'se' upgrade kit. With the price a known up front I was less apprehensive and while expensive (for me) quite affordable in hifi terms. They're full range, adjustable, accurate and musical.
Who let the dogs out >>>?>>>?>>>?

"Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof"

Well that was fun.

Unfortunately the bickering has merely migrated to another thread.

Back on point, as evidenced at Munich 2019, active loudspeakers are on-trend and a rapidly growing market segment. Audiophiles remain cautious which is curious when most recognise that synergy between an amplifier and speaker is a fundamental for great sound. When their ability to choose an amplifier is removed many audiophile politely decline. Perhaps this simply demonstrates that we are box junkies? :D
Kiwis, that probably holds true for the well heeled as stereo like cars can often be used to display financial status. I drive a Chevy, always have and when I realized that the best speakers I could afford needed like priced amps I bailed. Like imported motorcycles affording the price and then the maintenance are two different things. I love the music and owning active just makes sense for me
In my own opinion, actives are a win win. Simply because the crossovers are not part of the equation, they are the end result as in all parts involved.
I owned some of the best actives coming out of Australia at the time & probably still current today, yet I had people listen to them that just wanted to tear them down & make them small. I went from Sonus Faber Stradivaris with MC2301 monos to the speakers I mention. I remember sitting in front of the actives & thinking, yep they're really good, i had the same thought in several different places around the house over the next few hours. Have never forgotten those speakers, then again, I've always remembered the uneasiness of the Strads when used with the type of music they weren't totally comfortable with ...
Kiwis, that probably holds true for the well heeled as stereo like cars can often be used to display financial status. I drive a Chevy, always have and when I realized that the best speakers I could afford needed like priced amps I bailed. Like imported motorcycles affording the price and then the maintenance are two different things. I love the music and owning active just makes sense for me

I am broadly supportive of active loudspeakers. As I mentioned in an earlier post, actives are on-trend and a growing market segment. The integration of amplification and speaker - when done well - should ensure sonic synergy and de-risk investment.
I went to the avr forum revel thread and begged KV and company for an active version of the salon 2. If I recall correctly the reply was there was too much time invested into perfecting the passive ones in use... They’re the experts.