Active Speakers - would you consider?

Apparently neither can Mike, since he liked a bunch of active speakers at Munich and he doesn't use your imaginary Class A amp with his AGs.
Unless of course, it's your imagination....;)

There are meds to help your cognitive dissonance , indulge ....!
Apparently neither can Mike, since he liked a bunch of active speakers at Munich and he doesn't use your imaginary Class A amp with his AGs.
Unless of course, it's your imagination....;)

I was very impressed by some active speakers at Munich.

But tubes rule!

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Your speakers? I'm thinking by dimebag or ounces?

Your selling speakers and your tech behind them is ball washing bloviation thats sad man , Campion shamed ..


Let me know the size of the room, what model are you using , my one criteria is you have to build all your drivers yourself nothing purchased apart from parts necessary to make , less see how good your online EE degree is ....

ohhh look she runs ....!
Psst, Mr Wayne - Wow


Don't be so jealous now :D


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