ProAc Tablette 10's

Can't wait to see a photo. I'm not familiar with that model.


Ebony, my favorite finish.

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Here is an Update: I have sold my: Tablet Tens' in Ebony, BC Acoustique Integrated and CA azure 752bd, Both Techniques TTs', and replaced all that equipment with: Arcam A19, and I found a cherry Creek Destiny CD spinner, and a Bluesound Node2, going in a deferent direction.
Sellers remorse with the Tab 10s', I will get another pair...this time for keeps (at least long enough to break them in, ha ha)
Congratulations, I had some other models from Proac, they always sounded very good for the price. What about the electronics, what do you have?

My apologies for the late response, been busy with life.
I have made some changes qiht my setup (electronics), and here is the rundown:
My goodies, modest, but effective...(at least on my level)
Arcam fmj A19 Integrated (just bought it yesterday), Creek Audio Destiny CD Silver, Sjöfn the clue in Piano Black, Blueosund Node 2, Analysis Plus 12 Speaker cables ...(my aim is to aim high, but sometimes i forget to wear my glasses...) The Tablette Tens will be back...I have my eye on a Creek Destiny integrated to match up with the CD player. Thanks and