Thank you Franco Serblin for Sonus Faber Stradivarius speakers ...

Hope you guys have many years of enjoyment.

The audio merry-go-round gets really old :)

I've heard the best Mac amp on the SFs are the 1.2kws...
Ah, now you are talking. I've always wanted a pair. They are impressive indeed.

Thanks Keith.

Hope you guys have many years of enjoyment.

The audio merry-go-round gets really old :)

I've heard the best Mac amp on the SFs are the 1.2kws...
Hi Joe, quite some changes in the system I see.... glad to see your still having fun with the audio hobby! Hope you are keeping well.
Hi Joost,

Yes, I've been mixing it up. I am mostly settled but still plan on adding a toy or two.

Absolutely having fun. I finally have the sound that I love. I am going towards the sweeter/warmer side without losing detail and gaining so much musicality (for me). Thank you for the kind words. I see your system has been very stable. I have to be honest and tell you that I do miss my Dartzeel amp. It's a great piece.

Hi Joe, quite some changes in the system I see.... glad to see your still having fun with the audio hobby! Hope you are keeping well.
Joe, didn't you order Harbeth's?

Hi Ian,

I certainly did. My ETA is probably first or second week of November. If that's true, it will be 7 months from the deposit.i know it's hard to believe but true.

...well of course he did. We all know there's too much of Joe for monogamy.. :D

Ah Kev you know me too well. I have the patience of a saint as well. :(

Having the Strads takes the edge off. :)
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Congrats Joeinid! FWIW I have heard the Strad paired with the ARCRef75 and sounds amazing. I like it even more then the Ref250...have a listen :)


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"Without subjecting it to analytical scrutiny in order to figure out what was causing it to happen, this speaker, more than any other I've reviewed, communicated music's emotional content. Listening to the Stradivari was a sensual experience—more in the chest than in the head.

Appreciating this wasn't based on checking off items on an audiophile's list of performance parameters. The seamlessness of the sonic whole discouraged that kind of exercise—even in the mind of a veteran reviewer. That first day of listening to the Stradivaris at home, I felt what I'd felt in Sonus Faber's listening room. I also felt it the last day, and every day in between. If you get a chance to listen, don't expect to be bowled over or wowed or to have your molecules rearranged. Be prepared to fall in love."

- Michael Fremer, Stereophile
"Without subjecting it to analytical scrutiny in order to figure out what was causing it to happen, this speaker, more than any other I've reviewed, communicated music's emotional content. Listening to the Stradivari was a sensual experience—more in the chest than in the head.

Appreciating this wasn't based on checking off items on an audiophile's list of performance parameters. The seamlessness of the sonic whole discouraged that kind of exercise—even in the mind of a veteran reviewer. That first day of listening to the Stradivaris at home, I felt what I'd felt in Sonus Faber's listening room. I also felt it the last day, and every day in between. If you get a chance to listen, don't expect to be bowled over or wowed or to have your molecules rearranged. Be prepared to fall in love."

- Michael Fremer, Stereophile

Funny how people love a reviewer when they are extolling the virtues of a product we own and love. That love is fickle though. As soon as the former genius reviewer says something negative about something we own, he's dumber than a new baby hog. For the record, I think MF is a great reviewer and I think he calls it as he sees it and nails it more times than he misses it.
Funny how people love a reviewer when they are extolling the virtues of a product we own and love. That love is fickle though. As soon as the former genius reviewer says something negative about something we own, he's dumber than a new baby hog. For the record, I think MF is a great reviewer and I think he calls it as he sees it and nails it more times than he misses it.

I hope you're speaking generally. I for one think MF is a terrific reviewer. JV is the one who causes me to shake my head - repeatedly.

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I was speaking generally Mike. You read far more negative comments about reviewers than you do positive comments it seems. JV seems to be the favorite whipping boy on many forums. I think JV is a talented writer with a deep understanding of music. I generally enjoy his reviews, but he tends to write about gear priced in the stratosphere that I have no real personal experience with and therefore can only judge based on what I hear in fleeting moments at audio shows which really doesn't count.
That's one of the things I love about John Atkinson. He has a way of finding and reviewing some nice gems that aren't priced into the stratosphere (Classe CP800, Pass XA60.5, Revel Salon 2, etc.).

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My Strads are the best. I have never, ever, been so satisfied with a speaker. Mine are not going anywhere. I will be buried with them. So satisfying and involving.

"Without subjecting it to analytical scrutiny in order to figure out what was causing it to happen, this speaker, more than any other I've reviewed, communicated music's emotional content. Listening to the Stradivari was a sensual experience—more in the chest than in the head.

Appreciating this wasn't based on checking off items on an audiophile's list of performance parameters. The seamlessness of the sonic whole discouraged that kind of exercise—even in the mind of a veteran reviewer. That first day of listening to the Stradivaris at home, I felt what I'd felt in Sonus Faber's listening room. I also felt it the last day, and every day in between. If you get a chance to listen, don't expect to be bowled over or wowed or to have your molecules rearranged. Be prepared to fall in love."

- Michael Fremer, Stereophile
That's great to hear Joe. Once a great speaker, always a great speaker. I just thought that quote summed them up perfectly.

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I have always felt that JA is a 'truth teller' and calls them as he sees them both in his reviews and his measurements. Integrity is the word that comes to mind.
I was speaking generally Mike. You read far more negative comments about reviewers than you do positive comments it seems. JV seems to be the favorite whipping boy on many forums. I think JV is a talented writer with a deep understanding of music. I generally enjoy his reviews, but he tends to write about gear priced in the stratosphere that I have no real personal experience with and therefore can only judge based on what I hear in fleeting moments at audio shows which really doesn't count.
The reason he is a "whipping boy" is that his opinions change so frequently, are so absolute in nature and phrasing, and usually involve (as you say) expensive equipment that few others will have a chance to hear for more than brief listening periods, to say nothing of own.
That's great to hear Joe. Once a great speaker, always a great speaker. I just thought that quote summed them up perfectly.

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How much of the emotional connection is the front-end vs. the speaker?
Thanks Mike. I agree. You know what I am experiencing. I heard your first pair of Strads even before you did and I fell in love with them. It has been a long, tortuous journey, but I am forever grateful to have landed where I am now. I am eager to get home after work and fire up my system. I listen to anything and everything. Wow! Life is good.

That's great to hear Joe. Once a great speaker, always a great speaker. I just thought that quote summed them up perfectly.

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How much of the emotional connection is the front-end vs. the speaker?

They invoke emotion whether I'm using the Hegel, Cary SET amps or of course, the Pass amps. Since the "speakers with soul" and "emotion" seems to be a common theme, I would say its definitely the speakers.

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