Shunyata Typhon T2

Yes, I only use my T2/Denali 6000/S v2 with my amp and subs, like you, my front-end is on another wall and I use an Everest for the front-end.

When I was thinking about getting the T2 to replace a Typhon QR I had, Richard at Shunyata said that the T2/Denali 6000/S v2 combo is at least as good as an Everest and, perhaps better. I don't know if you have a dealer near you to work with, but I know that Music Direct has a 60-day return policy, more than enough time to demo one in your own system.
Yes, I only use my T2/Denali 6000/S v2 with my amp and subs, like you, my front-end is on another wall and I use an Everest for the front-end.

When I was thinking about getting the T2 to replace a Typhon QR I had, Richard at Shunyata said that the T2/Denali 6000/S v2 combo is at least as good as an Everest and, perhaps better. I don't know if you have a dealer near you to work with, but I know that Music Direct has a 60-day return policy, more than enough time to demo one in your own system.

That begs the question of how much better is an Everest vs a Denali 600/S v2 for source components and line stages. Information there would be appreciated.
Who connects their amp directly into the T2 vs into the Denali (that is connected to the T2 via the umbilical)?
That begs the question of how much better is an Everest vs a Denali 600/S v2 for source components and line stages. Information there would be appreciated.

It's system dependent. For me just plugging a Typhon QR into the wall outlet (in parallel configuration) brought a bigger improvement than plugging source components into Everest.
It's system dependent. For me just plugging a Typhon QR into the wall outlet (in parallel configuration) brought a bigger improvement than plugging source components into Everest.

Sorry, what do you mean by "in parallel configuration"?
And the QR is not the T2, correct?
Anyone have a Triton T2 manual handy? Does it mention if there is a separate filter connected to each grounding terminal? I saw a video about Altaira SGS and there is a filter on those terminals. I think the filters were separate.
The Altaira’s terminals are individually isolated to an extent… note that Shunyata recommends two Altairas for a dual mono component, so the terminals cannot be that well isolated. Not sure about the T2, but I doubt it.
@surge I connect my amp directly to the T2. Subs are connected to the Denali (which is connected to the T2)
@surge I connect my amp directly to the T2. Subs are connected to the Denali (which is connected to the T2)

Yup, I do as well. DartZeel 108 connected directly to T2. Sub and field coil power supply into Denali (which is connected to the T2).

Have you ever tried connecting your amp into the Denali? Richard @ Shunyata said to try it both ways, but that into the T2 would probably be best. I would think there should be more noise filtering out of the Denali, since the AC is running through the T2 as well?
Yup, I do as well. DartZeel 108 connected directly to T2. Sub and field coil power supply into Denali (which is connected to the T2).

Have you ever tried connecting your amp into the Denali? Richard @ Shunyata said to try it both ways, but that into the T2 would probably be best. I would think there should be more noise filtering out of the Denali, since the AC is running through the T2 as well?

I've never tried it through the Denali and, FWIW, I use a Sigma V2 XC power cable for the amp, not an NR, so I'm not too worried about noise filtering.
Since the T2 doesn’t have the cradle on the outlets, curious if anyone experiences connector droop with their large connector cables.
I have a Typhon T2-30amp and do not have that issue. All power cords into it are a mix of Furutech FI-50 NCF, FI-50 CF, and FI-48.

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For the umbilical cord, it looks like I could have that terminated with a C15 and connect it directly to my Boulder 1161 amp.

If I used the Reference version umbilical, what cable line would it be most equivalent to (Alpha, Sigma, etc.) or am I losing out by going that route instead of a traditional PC connected between the T2 and the Boulder. I'm looking at the $2k+ cost savings there, but don't want to be shortsighted if I'm "settling" for less by doing that.
You will not be...I have one of those cables, and I connected directly to my preamp for a couple weeks with great sonic results.

I cannot comment on equivalent level except to say I was told the umbilicals are same metallurgy, gauge, etc as Omega however it is for Shunyata to comment more factually and officially.

Whether you can do better is related to any cable to the device, which is a higher grade (and expensive) match using the duplex on the back for a regular plug.

We will talk soon once I am back home late tomorrow, following on your IM. I can explain my setup now in more detail as there have been changes and I feed a Shunyata distribution block (the big 8 outlet which is discontinued) with the umbilical.

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Just got off the phone with Scott @ Shunyata (awesome dude, BTW).

Summarizing our conversation, the T2 umbilical would fall somewhere between the Sigma/Alpha lines (for general comparison). The C15 umbilical I would need has a list price of $1500, so some definite savings over going with a Sigma, less so for the Alpha.
Just got off the phone with Scott @ Shunyata (awesome dude, BTW).

Summarizing our conversation, the T2 umbilical would fall somewhere between the Sigma/Alpha lines (for general comparison). The C15 umbilical I would need has a list price of $1500, so some definite savings over going with a Sigma, less so for the Alpha.
Thanks for sharing...

In addition to the 15amp Reference Umbilical, I have a second cable, larger gauge from them with an Amphenol twist-lock connector matching the input on the 30amp T2 build.

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