Shunyata Theta and Gamma Series Announced


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
All of us at Shunyata Research are proud to introduce the most consequential two series of products in our company's 25 year history. The Shunyata design team have created the new Theta and Gamma Series of cables to upend all price, performance and material value standards in the cable industry -- full stop. Theta and Gamma Series cables are in an entirely different league in terms of technology and performance. The Theta and Gamma Series of cables include interconnects, power cords, speaker cables, the full range of digital cables and phono cables.
Technology Features
For the first time, our design team have applied the PMZ (Precision Matched Impedance) technology previously used only in our digital cables -- to the Theta and Gamma interconnects with incredible ​results. Our Theta model power cords and speaker cables feature VTX-Ag conductors which combine the best qualities of silver and copper. To complete the performance package, Caelin has improved the Kinetic Phase Inversion Process to a Version 2 standard, which has had an incredible effect on performance. To say that the Theta and Gamma Series merit your immediate attention would be an understatement.

Cost TBD.


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Thanks Mike,...

To avoid churn and "FUD", where do these sit in the line relative to Delta v2, Alpha v2, Sigma v2, and Omega?

Also, the middle cable in the photo above appears to be a non-STIS termination so interested in details on that as well.

When will their webiste be updated with details?

Thanks Mike,...

Also, the middle cable in the photo above appears to be a non-STIS termination so interested in details on that as well.


I think that’s the ground cable/lead for a phono cable, if I were to guess…not sure why one would need an STIS termination for that cable. The CGC/SGC-type ground cables for use with Altaira are in the lower left photo, and use the STIS termination system.
I think that’s the ground cable/lead for a phono cable, if I were to guess…not sure why one would need an STIS termination for that cable. The CGC/SGC-type ground cables for use with Altaira are in the lower left photo, and use the STIS termination system.
I thought so too regarding it being a ground cable. Having had cables with both those minimal spades on them vs. the STIS terms with larger, better metallurgy, contact, etc...I am keen to hear details.

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I thought so too regarding it being a ground cable. Having had cables with both those minimal spades on them vs. the STIS terms with larger, better metallurgy, contact, etc...I am keen to hear details.

Yep, understood; I also noticed that what appears to be a new model speaker cable in the middle photo panel below, also uses non-STIS spades.

OTOH, the pair of Venom-X speaker cables I bought for use with my GR-Research X-LS Encore speakers uses the STIS system (I need bananas for connecting to Danny’s tube connectors on the back of the speaker).

So, with that, I don’t know how the decision is made as to which type of termination methodology, “traditional” vs. STIS, is to be used for which type of cable, so you’ll have to check with Mike or Richard about specifics regarding that. I can only hypothesize based on what is shown in the product shots.
The Delta V2 is discontinued as well. Curious how the Theta and Gamma fit into the new product tiers. Or whether there's going to be Delta V3.
Shunyata's website now has a page for the Theta interconnects. From that page: "Compared to Shunyata Research's more affordable Gamma cables, Theta's larger gauge VTX-Ag™ conductors add weight, dimensionality and room-filling scale-to-sound when using more costly electronics and speaker systems." Although the gamma series aren't listed yet, the Theta interconnect appears to be positioned between the Alpha & Venom-X series. Neither series are listed under the power cables yet, but there is also a Theta S/PDIF in the "Digital Cables" category similarly positioned between the Alpha & Venom-X series.
Theta and Gamma power cables are up on the Shunyata website. Delta v2 has been dropped from the product lineup.
I was talking to Grant yesterday. Both new models sound like great cables. He’s been demoing them at home. Can’t wait to get some in to try.

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I can't pick a Sigma from an Alpha, or a Delta for that matter. I've got a hunch that Theta is going to be more expensive than discontinued Delta, and Gamma cheaper than Delta.
MSRP's on some of these are up on The Cable Company site now, so you won't have to guess. Looks to me like they fit between the Venom and Alpha lines, replacing the Delta line - at least from a price standpoint.
MSRP's on some of these are up on The Cable Company site now, so you won't have to guess. Looks to me like they fit between the Venom and Alpha lines, replacing the Delta line - at least from a price standpoint.

And the Suncoast audio page!

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I've got a hunch that Theta is going to be more expensive than discontinued Delta, and Gamma cheaper than Delta.
MSRP's on some of these are up on The Cable Company site now, so you won't have to guess. Looks to me like they fit between the Venom and Alpha lines, replacing the Delta line - at least from a price standpoint.

Looking their web page, If I were to hypothesize, Gamma replaces Venom (not Venom-X) product line, and Theta replaces the Delta product line of cables.

Next cable models moving up the product line heirarchy would be Alpha, Sigma, etc.
Unclear to me what problem they are trying to solve with these new lines. Some technology has been removed in some cases - like Zitron - and others... Perhaps they need to update the marketing language...
Unclear to me what problem they are trying to solve with these new lines. .

Simple: they sound better than the previous model line-up.

Also, I just went to Mike's page for these cables at Suncoast Audio and it looks like Gamma's MSRP is close in price to the discontinued Venom line, and Theta is close in price to the older Delta line-up, so Shunyata has done a commendable job of keeping the price tiers of the Gamma and Theta lines very similar to the discontinued Venom and Delta lines.

Regarding technology, I don't know if Xitron is being utilized in these new designs or not, but I the product info states they are all treated with the new KPIPv2 processing, replacing the original KPIP protocol, and my hypothesis is that KPIPv2 has a significant impact on their functionality and audio qualities.

Shunyata Research is after all, a "research" company, & research never stands still; the new KPIPv2 process is an example of that.
Simple: they sound better than the previous model line-up.

Also, I just went to Mike's page for these cables at Suncoast Audio and it looks like Gamma's MSRP is close in price to the discontinued Venom line, and Theta is close in price to the older Delta line-up, so Shunyata has done a commendable job of keeping the price tiers of the Gamma and Theta lines very similar to the discontinued Venom and Delta lines.

How could you possibly know that when they haven't been released yet? That's just a biased assumption on your part.
How could you possibly know that when they haven't been released yet? That's just a biased assumption on your part.

I agree. Pure, utter speculation w/o any data whatsoever, and manufactured factualization at this point. Let's see how it all eventually evolves.
I agree. Pure, utter speculation w/o any data whatsoever, and manufactured factualization at this point. Let's see how it all eventually evolves.

We'll all find out when reviews are published comparing Venom & Delta with the new model.

Have a nice day!
I would very much be interested in those comparisons, since I own the Venom and Delta v2 in various capacities between my two systems. The RCA Delta v2 in particular is extremely fast and low in coloration, with the Alpha v2 slightly above it. The Venom was easily superseded by the Venom-X. Come to think of it, in my systems I am using Venoms analog and power, Venom-X analog, Delta v2 analog and power, Alpha v2 analog and power, plus Sigma XC. So looking forward to some real data...
In reading again the more-expensive Theta's specs, I am thinking there is little chance they will outperform the Delta v2, and I feel the price differential is going to prove fair. Starting with the cords, the Deltas use those nickel-plated CopperConns, the Theta still brass. For the RCA analogs, the Theta eschews the ΞTRON circuit but has a shield which may add capacitance. Doesn't seem like I would personally care to explore further and am glad I loaded up on a few of Delta v2 products...

To pivot a little, the interesting and curious thing for me was when I plugged in Delta v2 NR cords into my turntable's speed controller and motor, replacing the Venom V10 NRs I had in there - why did timbre improve a little? Did a presumably better noise reduction result in more stable platter speed? Or did less noise from the speed controller bleed into the rest of the system? Both?
