Shunyata Denali Owners Thread


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
I am absolutely loving what the 6000T (and two 2000T's) have done in my system. I'm finding the instruments have a more three dimensional shape and any hint of grunge in the upper register is gone. You really appreciate what the Denali's do on less than stellar recordings.

What have you guys found?
Same thing for me. I switched from a Triton V2/Typhon(3) combo to the 6000T/2000T(2) like you have.

The form factor is great also - I love the tower configuration.
I'm loving mine too. The 2 things that jump out to me are better bass - in a not so subtle way - and more space / separation between the instruments (more 3D). All this with a lower noise floor. Love it!
Same thing for me. I switched from a Triton V2/Typhon(3) combo to the 6000T/2000T(2) like you have.

Just guesstimating, how much of an improvement are you hearing with the Denali over the Triton v2/Typhon pair? When I went from the Triton v1 to Triton v2 it was an obvious difference. Not subtle at all, but a drastic reduction in noise that I did not know was there until it was gone. I only use this on my source. However, I experienced the same thing on my amps when I went from a Cyclop v1 to a Cyclop v2.
I went from a Cyclops v1 for my Vitus integrated and LUMIN (not ideal I know) to a Denali and it was an amazing difference. The separation, soundstage placement (pinpoint), and dead silent backgrounds were the most noticeable. I didn't notice a huge change in size of sound staging but the location of instruments and singers is just great! All the same cables and components as previous. 20A Alpha HC, Vitus's amp PC, and Alpha Digital.

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I have a 6000T that I rented from the Cable Co. I have a funny story to tell about it.

When I first got it and inserted it, I plugged my preamp and DAC into the non HC outlets. I did NOT like the sound at all. The bass got worse, like the units weren't getting enough juice. So I dismissed the Denali as something that would benefit me and left it sitting there while I plugged my preamp and DAC back directly into the wall quadplex.

I then went on to enjoy my system for a week. I marveled at how good everything sounded.

Then somebody else wrote that they had a similar experience to mine and moved their preamp to the HC outlet. So I tried that and it sounded good - there was a slight improvement. I then went back and forth a few times and confirmed (also using my wife's ears) the differences.

Well yesterday it was time to send the Denali back. I unplugged it from the quadplex and decided to listen to music while I packed it up. All of a sudden my system sounded slow and ill defined. I then did some research and learned that just having the Denali plugged into my quadplex was increasing the bass performance of my system considerably.

Holy crap, this device is impressive...
I am absolutely loving what the 6000T (and two 2000T's) have done in my system. I'm finding the instruments have a more three dimensional shape and any hint of grunge in the upper register is gone. You really appreciate what the Denali's do on less than stellar recordings.

What have you guys found?

Mike, how does it compare to the Ansuz Mainz D8 that you used to (or still?) have?
Mike, how does it compare to the Ansuz Mainz D8 that you used to (or still?) have?

I still do have the Mainz8 Diamond, Sparkz T's and Darkz Diamonds. The Mainz8 with the Sparkz T's are excellent and I've used them since the day I bought it. I also like the Darkz Diamonds and use them under my Lampi! I've never done a shootout between the two power distributors/conditioners, sorry. But they are definitely similar in that they are both passive designs (vs Active with the AQ 5000/7000).
I'd say it was at least as much difference than going from V1 to V2.

Just guesstimating, how much of an improvement are you hearing with the Denali over the Triton v2/Typhon pair? When I went from the Triton v1 to Triton v2 it was an obvious difference. Not subtle at all, but a drastic reduction in noise that I did not know was there until it was gone. I only use this on my source. However, I experienced the same thing on my amps when I went from a Cyclop v1 to a Cyclop v2.
I got a Denali 6000S about a month ago. It replaced a Weizhi Precision power distributor (PRS-6), which is also passive. To my ears with the Denali, music sounds more relaxed and detailed. The the noise floor seems lower too, and I like the way the bass sounds. Similar to MadFloyd's experience, when I first plugged-in the Denali, I did not like the sound and thought something was wrong with unit; however, after a couple of days, everything came into place.

I am ordering a Denali 2000 for my new TV, and it will replace a Hydra AV. The TV is on a shared circuit so I want to insure its power is as clean as can be. Once the warranty is up I will open it up, and replace the stock power cable with an IEC connector so that I can use a Shunyata power cord on it. I did that to my previous TV, and the power cord made the colors more vivid, and bought more detail to the picture.

I bought the 75".
I bought the D2000 to try the arrest the high gain issues my goldmund monos have in its pairing with the ARC pre amp...

My current uncomfortable solution was to not ground the power cables of the power amp which made me a little fearful..

Sadly, it's didn't solve the issues which I suspected all along...

The positive part is that the difference is fairly substantial with the monoblocks into the D2000.... Tighter Low end and better instrument separation. And the difference is almost immediate... the improvements are fairly substantial to make me accept the matching's that good...
I'm contemplating adding a conditioner, how is Denali different than Hydra Triton V2? I run SET amps with tube pre and Lumin digital. Thanks, Art
My Denali 2000 showed up today. That was fast, since I just ordered it on Friday. I bought it for the TV, and have two 4K UHD BRs on order, Oblivion and Lucy. Can't wait for them to arrive and to test out the new TV and Oppo 203 on Friday.
Last night I decided to finish watching a Netflix rental DVD, but with the Denali installed on the TV versus the Hydra AV. I put the Denali behind the left front speaker, and the TV power cord just reached it. So, I start to watch the movie, and I see this blue circle on the left wall. WTF? Turns out the Denali has a blue led on the front, and it was projecting onto the wall. Unacceptable, I said. So I cut a piece of black electrical tape and placed it over the led. Black electrical tape has solved a number of annoying led problems for me. :)
Last night I decided to finish watching a Netflix rental DVD, but with the Denali installed on the TV versus the Hydra AV. I put the Denali behind the left front speaker, and the TV power cord just reached it. So, I start to watch the movie, and I see this blue circle on the left wall. WTF? Turns out the Denali has a blue led on the front, and it was projecting onto the wall. Unacceptable, I said. So I cut a piece of black electrical tape and placed it over the led. Black electrical tape has solved a number of annoying led problems for me. :)

LOL, I've been doing that for years - those damn lights can be annoying. I actually have these semi-transparent stickers that you can put over LEDs if you want to dim them (versus totally make them disappear). Had to do that on my Pass Labs amps and preamp power supplies...
Just noticed this question.

I do use 2 Typhons with my 6000T. The thing is - it only seems to work if you put it in the same 2 outlet grouping on the back of the Denali. The separation seems to hamper the Typhon's effectiveness if not immediately next to the plug to be helped.

So - I have my plugs as follows: In the high output plugs - The Ayre KXR20 and a Typhon. The next pair of plugs - The Lumin and a Typhon. In the next pair - The UHS Tape Deck.

I already had them so it was fun to experiment.

Did you use your Typhon with the 6000?