Shunyata 6000T v2

What is this Eiger I saw in the MusicDirect catalog, retailing for $5000, looking like the 6000/T v2, and claimed to be a smaller Everest
Interesting, Eiger was previously the ’code-name’ for the Denali V1 EU since it contained separate filtering for the outlets instead of the duplex. It was also talk of an optional DC blocker. But then they opted just to call it the Denali EU model AFAIK.
Sometimes the boat springs a leak.

Yes, there will be a product called the "EIGER".
It is essentially a half the price, half the size version of the Everest.
It is a tower type, six outlet, power distributor that is shaped very similar to the Everest.
It's projected retail price will be US$4,995

It will be positioned below the new Denali 6000/T v2 in performance and features.

So, we will have a mountain range of tower power distributors:

I may post a family photo later. But that is all the details we will be providing about it.

I am sure some others are as confused as I am. Posting a ranking of performance levels would be helpful. In particular I am wondering where a Denali 6000/S v2 ranks both alone and with a Typhon T2.

I am sure some others are as confused as I am. Posting a ranking of performance levels would be helpful. In particular I am wondering where a Denali 6000/S v2 ranks both alone and with a Typhon T2.

The performance ranking is as above for the tower models.

The Denali/S v2 is not a tower. It is a shelf mount type.
The Denali/S v2 has approximately the same performance as the tower version (Denali 6000/T v2)
As I have said in another thread, the Denali & TT2 as a stack are equivalent to the Everest in performance.