Altaira or Gemini CGS on Electrostatic Speakers


Active member
Oct 14, 2013
Does anyone have experience using CGS on electrostatic speakers?
Not electrostatic, but all Clarisys speakers have a dedicated ground post for grounding systems.

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Not electrostatic, but all Clarisys speakers have a dedicated ground post for grounding systems.

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Does it make a difference? I have established the chassis screws on the Sound Labs electronics box are good for grounding.

I sent Grant Samuelson an email asking about grounding electrostatic speakers. Hopefully someone at Shunyata has experience.
Does it make a difference? makes for a BIG improvement. Every demo I've heard where at Altaira was in the system, folks listened, and then the Altaira(s) were removed, and folks immediately demanded the Altaira be put back into the system.

Mike has also direct experience this phenomenon because he and Richard got exactly the same reaction from folks in the demos they performed at the Florida Int'l Audio Expo in Feb., 2023.

In my experience, everything that can make a proper "chassis ground" (or in the appropriate application, "signal ground") connection to an Altaira hub makes a difference and improvement for the better.

Florian also knows this which is why he installed a properly-deigned ground terminal on his speakers.

Here's one of the two Clarisys rooms at AXPONA last year that used a full Altaira set-up.
