Legend Harry Pearson has died - RIP


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
January 5, 1937 - November 4, 2014


It is with a heavy heart that we must share with you the sad news of the passing of a legendary man.

Last night, the evening of November 4th, Harry Hall Pearson Jr. passed away peacefully in his home in Sea Cliff, NY, at the age of 77.

Harry will be missed by those of us who loved him as a mentor, a friend, and as the standard-bearer for our mutual pursuits in the world of audio.

His legend will live on and echo throughout the audio industry, for Harry’s was the “Gold Standard” of audio journalism. His deep love of music, and the goal of realistic reproduction in the home, became the adopted enthusiasm for hundreds of thousands of audiophiles around the globe. His lexicon of audio vocabulary became the very patois with which audiophiles communicated amongst each other, especially audiophile journalists.

Harry’s contributions to the audio world are both measureless and timeless.

Thank you, Maestro, for everything.

Memorial services are being planned, and we will share that information with you once it becomes available.

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His influence in this industry was mega and his legacy will live on forever. My condolences go out to all that knew him, my regret Is never having the chance to. RIP Harry.
The passing of a legend:(, a true icon. Whenever I pick up a copy of TAS I will think of Harry

R.I.P. Harry:(:(
Harry and TAS started me into the high end, back in the mid '70's when I bought Issue 6 of TAS on a local newstand. Within a couple of years I had bought a pair of Magnepan 2167-F's the predecessor to the Magnepan II's. More important, I started collecting and listening to the TAS SuperDiscs, a journey that took me 30 years to get a complete set (with 600 records!). Harry introduced me to Mercuries, RCA Living Stereo, Lyrita, EMI and, of course, Decca, and many other great labels.

He and Gordon Holt weaned me away from Stereo Review, Hi Fidelity and Audio. I still have all of the small format TAS issues starting with Issue 6.

Thank you Harry.
