The New Pass Int-25

Ahhh, if my amp is on, I'm at least streaming. I never really just leave the amp on without music playing. I'm always running music through an amp that's on. And yes, low volume on first turn on, gradually getting to my preferred listening level.
I just raised the question to Kent at Pass Labs (what a guy, he responded to email on a Friday evening). He says there is no harm in warming up the amp with no load, although they have detected a slight improvement in their audio shows with streaming vs no streaming. Warming up amps with no speaker load is mostly a tube amp thing - not a good idea for the toobs.
Of course, all the components in the system (in my case for my near field listening rig workstation / studio: MSB Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre, SIT-3, Harbeth P3ESR) will also benefit from the warm up. So, you are doing it the right way. I agree, the SIT-3 is amazing and mesmerizing..........enjoy
SIT-3 and P3esr is supposed to be an awesome combination.

I figure if my system is on, might as well play some tunes.
Does the int 25 sound quite a bit different from the int 250? If you read reviews of both, it's almost like they're not even made by the same company. Evidently there is no Pass "signature sound". But I've read they are both top notch stuff.

XA25 is superb. I’m sure the Int-25 is as well. If I remember correctly, the XA25 is based off the XS series amps. You might absolutely love the Int-25 on your Harbeth Super HL5 speakers. It’s a powerful little amp.

My thoughts are the bigger or the more inefficient speaker, the bigger the amp. Meaning, no need to overdo the combo. Sometimes you can finesse better sound out of a smaller, sweeter amp.
Does the int 25 sound quite a bit different from the int 250? If you read reviews of both, it's almost like they're not even made by the same company. Evidently there is no Pass "signature sound". But I've read they are both top notch stuff.


I'm playing now on INT-25 and reviewed a few years ago Int-60 and INT-250. So for me ... Int250 is the best, Int25 second ,and Int60 on the end.
I'm playing now on INT-25 and reviewed a few years ago Int-60 and INT-250. So for me ... Int250 is the best, Int25 second ,and Int60 on the end.

Marcin, one person told me they thought the top end on the int 60 was "sweeter sounding" vs the int 250. Would you agree with that or not? I've never heard an int 250 so I can't comment. However, almost all reviews I've read on the int 250 were overwhelmingly positive.
Marcin, one person told me they thought the top end on the int 60 was "sweeter sounding" vs the int 250. Would you agree with that or not? I've never heard an int 250 so I can't comment. However, almost all reviews I've read on the int 250 were overwhelmingly positive.

Not in my system ;-) For me 60 was much more analytical and on the colder side of neutrality than 250 and 25

I just reread your posts. I ordered the int 250. I'm really pumped to hear it. I've heard the int 60 but not the int 250. I thought the int 60 sounded really good so I'm hoping the int 250 sounds even better to my ears. Thank you for your posts. I'm optimistic the int 250 will sound superb. It will also be running through an MSB Discrete DAC with optional second power supply. I'm told that will add to the SQ. Can't hardly go wrong. We'll see.

To make sure I understand...It's OK to turn the int 250 on (or any other SS amp) with the volume all the way down and let the amp warm up for half an hour or more?