Florida Audio Expo Pictures & Coverage

The Martin Logan room was unlistenable - too loud, sharp, brittle.

MBL was awesome, as usual.

Volti, Border Patrol, TWL was as distinguished as ever at a show. Simply musical and engaging.

The Paradigm flagship speaker sounded damn nice, as did the Triangle setup.

VAC and Von Schweikert had the biggest room and it was as you would expect - very good.

My real surprise was the tiny Vanatoo speakers. Damn good sound from something that small. Filled the room and didn't empty your pockets.

Here's a link to pics I posted at Audio Circle.

Heard it early friday morning it Was good then , went back later that afternoon , they had it playing way too loud into clipping territory, bright , brittle sounding and on crappy music ..

They also had a huge reflection problem with zero front wall treatment, obviously those operating that ML room were absolutely clueless ..
