ETHERNET: Switches and Isolators


I don’t feel comfortable opening this up; gave you searched the web for pictures?

ProGear I am sure is nice, but it like another $4K US, more then I willing to part with at this stage.

Over the weekend I will update further. I have my set tracks that I listen to and will note the differences.

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Found this picture of the inside online, Used Chrome to upload



  • aqvox-aq-switch-8-zubehoer-hifi-40312.jpg
    186 KB · Views: 189
If you need a network switch just a netgear giga switch and use an lps . But if the model you pick has a line voltage in you will need to open it. If you buy a model that has a external psu it’s better for most. An lps is a must have for it.
Next go to emo systems website
this is what I use in theory you only need one at the dac but you can also try it at the network input to the network switch.
This adds a jump in a lower noise floor giving better dynamics and cleaner sound.
I know there are many made for the purpose Audio sws and they may work as well
but if cost is an issue this is under 400. for all of it
I have been looking at the EMO Systems isolators. For some reason the EN-70HD looks like the most promising model.
They all serve the purpose I picked that one for its ratings of low loss and In a metal case
with price. This item all of us digital guys should have.your model has a 20db insert loss mine has 8 dB
They all serve the purpose I picked that one for its ratings of low loss and In a metal case
with price. This item all of us digital guys should have.your model has a 20db insert loss mine has 8 dB

They both cost the same. I'm thinking of buying one. Then buy a generic 1m Ethernet cable from switch to isolater and then something like a AQ Vodka Ethernet cable.
Al, I respect the heck out of you. I have tried a Netgear gig switch. Ok performance. I put a nice linear PS to it. It improved some. Was acceptable. I then purchased The Linear Solution switch. Big improvement. NAS now sounds better than internal stored music. Tidal is, such better but not quite as good as a NAS
The EMO isolator robs dynamics and muted everything. I was glad it was borrowed!

A few guys dumped them on WBF.
At the performance level we are playing at, digital devices that are not purpose built for audio are not appearing to work as well as devices designed and testes for audio. So I am experiencing and reading. The Aquvox unit appears to have updated chokes and regulators in the unit, but, the PS? Looks questionable unless he designed some sort of amazing switching supply. Even my switch with a nice linear PS included in the purchase price of $650 has been bested by Paul Haynes best PS attached to my Linear Solution switch. I am not sure by how much. Ask Austin Pop or look up his thread. I am going on what the manufacturer told me.
Power rules in digital audio and I don’t question anyone on what they hear.
I have three buds who love it
and for me I did not do any a/b yet but played it for ours.
There are many circumstances involved in digital audio.
And if I post it’s rhat I did it and own it and have tried it in many ways
for anyone who don’t know me I am a tweaker. I never had an lps on my Audio network as I use a SAN built custom by me it’s a nas and network switch and router
my audio has it’s own network alone. Having said this a while back I tried a giga switch on a lps feed. It was nice and very close to my SAN. If I removed the lps it was easy to hear the hash.
one more thought as noise is removed from digital it’s more black. I’m doing so it may be perceived as less dynamic or even darker or not as loud at the same volume on your preamp. If you use a dB meter the sound volume is the same.
The amp may even clip more now as you raise the volume. this is normal to be perceived of.
I am sure now I’ll get bashed for this but it’s true and I know coz I have done it for myself and a few close friends

I don’t feel comfortable opening this up; gave you searched the web for pictures?

ProGear I am sure is nice, but it like another $4K US, more then I willing to part with at this stage.

Over the weekend I will update further. I have my set tracks that I listen to and will note the differences.

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So far, very good.

Everything is more open, resolving and darker. I like the way this really improved things, especially knowing by a certain percentage my DAC is the weakest link in my system, and now it sounds like an upgrade. Very happy!

More to follow...

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I did some high level research on the subject of Audiophile Ethernet Switches finding they do exist and one in particular, the AQVox SE Audiophile network switch.


AQVox is a German company, based in Hamburg beginning in 2003 by a Susanne Candeias. AQVox claims to be first in creating an Audiophile grade switch. The AQVox web-site is what I would call simple, it may take you a minute to get around. Several emails were answered very quickly. Order delivery to Seattle from Germany was in about 7 calendar days. Overall a pleasant experience.

AQVox modifies the D Link brand ethernet switch and says it can be added before or after your DAC or Router - it has 8 ports, (I may add a second one to support the other parts of network, using the original AQVox version over the SE saving a few hundred dollars.)

AQVox indicates you will realize the following benefits of a ReClocker, Jitter Reduction, Signal Shaper, EMI Eliminator and a De-Noiser amongst other things. AQVox indicates they stand behind customer satisfaction and offer a 30 day return policy - I don’t know who pays return freight, but I like customer satisfaction, after all who doesn’t?

I will not be returning the switch and also purchased a 1.5M AQVox Edge cable and plug jacks.


Hookup is basic and they said only to use their power supply as everything is tuned in support of the switch, and avoid using modified power supplies, including ones they offer. Cable management seemed to take the most time. I repurposed an AudioQuest Vodka (not to be confused with the “AQ” in AQVox) between the Mac Mini and the router. I used the AQVox Edge 1.5M Ethernet cable from their audiophile grade switch to the PS Audio Direct Stream DAC with Bridge II. The Aurender N10 is the primary source and connected with the Nordost Heimdell Ethernet from the AQVox audiophile switch.

I did this in two waves: switch installation replacing a Netgear GS108 with Audioquest Vodka and then five days later, I swapped the AQVox Edge and Audioquest Vodka Ethernet cables leaving the Nordost in place the whole time to the N10.

Upon turning on the system, it was very clear, something good was here. Music noticeably opened up giving way to better resolution dynamics and a airy holographic soundstage with the liquid weight that I like - AQVox indicated it would take 3 days to burn in, and it was already sounding great!

5 days have past as I knew listening would be sparse since family came to town but now have left. They had zero interest in Audio as my family, so once they left, I now had time to see what the heck I just did. The N10 and DAC were powered on allowing the switch to receive and pass signal.

Days later, I changed out the Ethernet cables to see how the Mac Mini does and that AudioQuest Vodka Ethernet cable has done added something in sound that was not not there before, not huge but an improvement.

I’m doing A/B comparisons by streaming both sources through the AQVox SE. If it were a competition, the Mac Mini now reduces the gap, however the Aurender still reins as champ. But comparing these really was about how both devices benefited from the switch. Both options provide me amazing results as mentioned prior.

I have set recordings, and listen for specific sections at specific volumes to see how things compare, it truly sounds like I upgraded my DAC.

While the N10 was Champ, If I was aware now what I just achieved I may have held back on the Aurender saving $6400, plus over double in cost after cabling and mechanical grounding and considered a better server than Mac Mini for much cheaper and put my money towards a MSB.

Makes me think if I did not do this, and not have done that, I could have done a simpler approach not far off in cost running the Mac Mini or similar, AQVox SE Switch, a MSB Select, and Monos but that’s me, the addicted audiophile, but this is a hind-site statement, and I truly love my system, just second guess the cost of it all.

I guess redundancy has its price but offers options in the event of down times.

The recent switch upgrade is awesome, but my experience over he last year has built a steady foundation that includes addressing incoming power, distribution, electrical ground and conditioning, using Nordost QRT and Reference Series 2 power, interconnect and speaker, with use of the Ansuz C2 and C for power, DAC and Transport.

Equipment floats on mechanical grounding by Ansuz Darkz DTC and Stillpoint Ultra SS, aside from amps and speakers.

All equipment is subjective to the environment it is used in. My vote this switch is worth the purchase if your budget allows.

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Is that device nearing availability to the public or is yours a sample similar to what Audiostream reviewed?
It definitely appears compelling and simple.

Nearing completion and improvements from the review sample.

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