VPI Titan has landed

To clarify, the RIM drive itself is not noisy. What's happening is feedback beyond a certain volume level. I can still listen fine at moderate levels, but you do "hear" the RIM drive via resonances. Remember, horn speakers amplify everything 10 fold. Once you get past a certain volume level, then you get runaway feedback (low rumble growl). I believe what is happening is that the bass is creating resonances which are picked up by the RIM drive and then passed through to the table --> arm --> cart --> repeat.

If I didn't have a sub floor (and a better rack perhaps), then I suspect most of the issues would be resolved.

However, I think in my case, a belt drive would be better.

i don't believe the type of drive (rim versus belt, in this particular instance), will make a difference. I have two demo rooms and in the suspended floor one (the other is a ground floor room with concrete flooring) I have had this issue with one of my full range speakers in the suspended floor room. Three different tables, belt drive and direct drive, both would have feedback at higher playback levels. The only way that I have been able to somewhat eliminate it is to use a rumble filter, or use the on board EQ system in the bass module. I also believe better isolation would help , if not eliminate this issue, however I have not yet been able to explore this possibility. If your Kronos doesn't exhibit this issue, than it obviously has better isolation. Perhaps employing an active isolation device like a Herzan (SP?), Minus K, etc. beneath the VPI will due the trick.

i don't believe the type of drive (rim versus belt, in this particular instance), will make a difference. I have two demo rooms and in the suspended floor one (the other is a ground floor room with concrete flooring) I have had this issue with one of my full range speakers in the suspended floor room. Three different tables, belt drive and direct drive, both would have feedback at higher playback levels. The only way that I have been able to somewhat eliminate it is to use a rumble filter, or use the on board EQ system in the bass module. I also believe better isolation would help , if not eliminate this issue, however I have not yet been able to explore this possibility. If your Kronos doesn't exhibit this issue, than it obviously has better isolation. Perhaps employing an active isolation device like a Herzan (SP?), Minus K, etc. beneath the VPI will due the trick.


Perhaps. But I can hear the RIM drive (whirl, whirl, whirl). The Kronos does not exhibit this problem and neither did the VPI Prime Signature, Avid or any number of tables I've tried in this room over the years.

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i don't believe the type of drive (rim versus belt, in this particular instance), will make a difference. I have two demo rooms and in the suspended floor one (the other is a ground floor room with concrete flooring) I have had this issue with one of my full range speakers in the suspended floor room. Three different tables, belt drive and direct drive, both would have feedback at higher playback levels. The only way that I have been able to somewhat eliminate it is to use a rumble filter, or use the on board EQ system in the bass module. I also believe better isolation would help , if not eliminate this issue, however I have not yet been able to explore this possibility. If your Kronos doesn't exhibit this issue, than it obviously has better isolation. Perhaps employing an active isolation device like a Herzan (SP?), Minus K, etc. beneath the VPI will due the trick.


Are these non suspended tables ....???
Mike - Try the motor with 3 belts. I'm very happy with mine. If you want to try the Rim drive with the Symposium Ultra over the Quadraspire rack let me know - I have the Ultra currently in storage in Sarasota.
Or perhaps try something other than the stock four rubber feet to isolate the rim drive.
Or perhaps try something other than the stock four rubber feet to isolate the rim drive.

It's the rim drive itself that is passing through the turntable to the cartridge. You can hear the motor going whir whir whir.

Rim drives are notorious for this and that's why you just don't see them used anymore. I don't know why VPI brought it back.

Good old belt drive is hard to beat. DD has its own set of micro resonance issues as well.

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Long ago I replaced my VPI rubber belt with silk string. Of course you need a speed controller to do this, because the diameter is different, but the resulting silence and improvement in sound was immediately noticeable. Highly recommended upgrade.
Any update on the mighty Titan?

Waiting on a new bottom platter, belt drive, special tool to remove the sides to get at the bottom platter, etc. the new bottom platter will have three grooves cut in it for the belts.

Will be weeks, if not months.

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I finally got the noisy RIM drive swapped out for a belt drive. The bottom platter also had to be replaced with one with grooves in it for the belts to slip into.



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I finally got the noisy RIM drive swapped out for a belt drive. The bottom platter also had to be replaced with one with grooves in it for the belts to slip into.



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What ! Only 3 arms ? What is this world coming to ....... :)
I only played a couple of albums, but was impressed. Very quiet - MUCH better than with the RIM drive. The Miyajima Zero Mono with the MOFI Bob Dylan mono album I played was outstanding.

I do need to get better isolation under the table. Another SRA platform perhaps.