Art's Montille CV391 Review


New member
Apr 29, 2018
As someone who will always be more or less a bottom feeder in the Shindo world I was delighted to read such a positive review of a "lower" priced product.
Its reinforced my feeling that its ok to spend more on a preamp like a Monbrison or Masseto and pair it with a lower priced amp like the long as its a reasonable match to your speaker.

Do you folks agree with either the review or my take on system building?

As someone who will always be more or less a bottom feeder in the Shindo world I was delighted to read such a positive review of a "lower" priced product.
Its reinforced my feeling that its ok to spend more on a preamp like a Monbrison or Masseto and pair it with a lower priced amp like the long as its a reasonable match to your speaker.

Do you folks agree with either the review or my take on system building?


The guidance from Shindo experts has always been that the preamp is a critically important part of the chain and where much of the magic lies in a Shindo system. The less expensive amps in the Shindo line offer excellent synergy with all Shindo preamps and may make it possible to have matching components at this critical juncture where budget limitations would otherwise preclude that opportunity. Provided that the amps are well paired with high efficiency speakers, you'll be in great shape. Over time, you may or may not choose to experiment with the sound signatures of other Shindo amps but you are assured of maintaining the Shindo house sound with this approach.
You should always focus on spending for the pre as the heart of your system.