To the Woodshed by Jay of Jay's Audio Lab

Hey Mike
Please refrain from saying anything about me on whats best forum. If you want to engage with me, let's do it HERE or in person next Thursday. I am asking respectfully. People have sent me your "hard to take this guy seriously" comment over there. It's not fair to me because I can't post over there in case you didn't know... Not cool...
You can continue to engage with me here where there is freedom of speech if you need to say something to me.


you hit the nail on the head with your statement, "freedom of speech". mike has his opinion, you cant change that and if that gets under your skin than you may want to get another gig than being an on line reviewer because there will be many more that disagree or dislike you, move on
Having watched a couple videos on this matter, and read the response by Rockport, I see it as much ado about not a whole lot. It's typical youtube fodder: take a bit of info, speculate wildly while claiming you don't really know the facts, and hope the clicks and eyeball follow.

I agree, I haven't/won't waste my time watching Youtube fodder regarding audio. Others opinions aren't worth my time and they sure as heck have no impact on purchasing decisions.

Also, most dealers and manufacturers don't have to time or need to reply to internet threads relating to critiques of their products. It is a no win situation and provides a platform where it is often not warranted.