Rockport Cygnus at CES

Hi philb7777, I am considering some of the same speakers on your list and have greatly enjoyed reading your experience with the Cygnus. (Of your list, you were quite un-impressed by the Magico's. They are more analytical speakers perhaps, but "2 D"? I wonder if something was wrong with the sets ups.) Please continue to share your Cygnus experience with us.

Two of my three Magico experiences were at audio shows, so that may have something to do with it. I heard the S5 with Rowland gear and the Q3 with Constellation and the Q5 with Soulution. I was most impressed with the Q3/Constellation match. The S5 was not set up too far from the front wall which may have affected the soundstage depth quite a bit. Very unimpressed with that room. The Q5/Soulution was pretty lifeless and flat sounding. Caveat here - I have never really heard the Soulution gear sound good to my ears with Magico or Focal loudspeakers. The Q3/Constellation room was pretty good, lots of detail and transparency. Still didn't get the depth I like or the texture/image density/musicality I prefer. I have no doubt that Magico make excellent loudspeakers and are world-class; just in my limited experiences, they have not delivered what I prefer in sonic preferences. Of course, its why their are different brands and different design principles applied to loudspeakers. Different flavors for everyone because we all tend to hear a bit differently. It's part of what makes the hobby fun!
Hi philb777, I will be very interested to hear your current assessment of the Cygnus after living with them for a while. What do you like best about them, and what areas do you find a bit wanting if any?
Two of my three Magico experiences were at audio shows, so that may have something to do with it. I heard the S5 with Rowland gear and the Q3 with Constellation and the Q5 with Soulution. I was most impressed with the Q3/Constellation match. The S5 was not set up too far from the front wall which may have affected the soundstage depth quite a bit. Very unimpressed with that room. The Q5/Soulution was pretty lifeless and flat sounding. Caveat here - I have never really heard the Soulution gear sound good to my ears with Magico or Focal loudspeakers. The Q3/Constellation room was pretty good, lots of detail and transparency. Still didn't get the depth I like or the texture/image density/musicality I prefer. I have no doubt that Magico make excellent loudspeakers and are world-class; just in my limited experiences, they have not delivered what I prefer in sonic preferences. Of course, its why their are different brands and different design principles applied to loudspeakers. Different flavors for everyone because we all tend to hear a bit differently. It's part of what makes the hobby fun!

Yes I think the Poster made the right decision with the Rockport Cygnus Speakers-- Kudos!!!---as a previous Rockport Owner myself they have magic presentation that is beguiling The other choices are also admirable --with possible exception of the Magicos--I'm in agreement

with Phib7777 above they just don't seem to cut it in the sonic involvement stakes--well not in my book--I've never warmed to them from the first time I heard the launch at CES with Boulder Electronics. All subsequent sessions no change I'm afraid to my initial opinion of the brand.

Still they have a following and as stated above make an excellent product--just not on my watch.

Yes I think the Poster made the right decision with the Rockport Cygnus Speakers-- Kudos!!!---as a previous Rockport Owner myself they have magic presentation that is beguiling The other choices are also admirable --with possible exception of the Magicos--I'm in agreement

with Phib7777 above they just don't seem to cut it in the sonic involvement stakes--well not in my book--I've never warmed to them from the first time I heard the launch at CES with Boulder Electronics. All subsequent sessions no change I'm afraid to my initial opinion of the brand.

Still they have a following and as stated above make an excellent product--just not on my watch.


HI Bruce, yes I agree that the original poster chose the right speakers for him, Rockport are great speakers.

Can you tell us your experience with the latest magico S1II, S5II, S7 and M3? What were the setups that you heard them in? Thx.
Hi philb777, I will be very interested to hear your current assessment of the Cygnus after living with them for a while. What do you like best about them, and what areas do you find a bit wanting if any?

Right now, after almost a year with the Cygnus, I have very little desire to have wandering eyes (or ears!). The thing that the Rockport Cygnus did for me was the density of images with air and space / ambient retrieval around them. The images were so solid appearing to my ears, that I could actually see them with my eyes. I love that illusion when listening. Also, the textured detail of the midrange and upper bass frequencies are very revealing and involving. I still have a REL G1 sub, but have not used it in over 8 months as I don't think I need a sub anymore. All and all, I am very happy right now. I went to several audio shows, dealers and fellow audiophiles homes over a 24 month period and auditioned countless loudspeakers. I would recommend this patient approach to anyone making a serious purchase of loudspeakers over $30-$50K. The patience and work listening to several loudspeakers will pay off - you will learn more about your sonic preferences and learn lots about several products out there. You will come away more experienced and more likely to be satisfied with your purchase.

Again, I can think of well over a dozen phenomenal loudspeaker manufacturers out there right now doing state of the art stuff. It all comes down to personal preferences and listening tastes.
HI Bruce, yes I agree that the original poster chose the right speakers for him, Rockport are great speakers.

Can you tell us your experience with the latest magico S1II, S5II, S7 and M3? What were the setups that you heard them in? Thx.

Just read Myle's post about the M3's when he visited you at Rhapsody. Very intriguing! I would love to hear them sometime. Myles description of them makes me think the Magico sound is slowly evolving more toward my sonic preferences. I bet they are outstanding. Love the size of them too - would work in almost any room size.
That is a very good observation about Myles report. I am very familiar with the Rockport Altair great speaker in my estimation. My opinion is that one time not too long ago you would have said they were exact opposites magico and Rockport now I don't think that anymore.

From my perspective they are both great speaker lines. It's great to be an audiophile these days!
That is a very good observation about Myles report. I am very familiar with the Rockport Altair great speaker in my estimation. My opinion is that one time not too long ago you would have said they were exact opposites magico and Rockport now I don't think that anymore.

From my perspective they are both great speaker lines. It's great to be an audiophile these days!

It is a great time to be an audiophile!

I'm going to RMAF in three weeks. I hope some Magicos are there to listen to. With all the construction issues and exhibitors possibly pulling out, I'm worried I won't get to see/hear much of what I hope to.
When Alon played Vinyl on the Kronos, the M3's went from awesome to OMG! That Diana Krall Live in Paris was incredible.

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HI Bruce, yes I agree that the original poster chose the right speakers for him, Rockport are great speakers.

Can you tell us your experience with the latest magico S1II, S5II, S7 and M3? What were the setups that you heard them in? Thx.

Yes certainly while I've never hung around long enough to check the Models at the Demo's--the Magico "house sound" never appealed--if it has "progressed" today then all well and good

but it would not change my opinion of that particular sonic presentation -- I just would not consider it amongst my choice of Speaker--and I've heard a few in the 58 years since I bought my first Quad57 (Mono!)

As for the sessions --RMAF/ Newport/ CES /2010/2011/2012/2013/2014--with Spectral /Constellation( better but no Cigar!) and others-- sonics varied from Ok to fatiguing--overly bright and etched--especially with the Servers they were using

Agree the following is there and for those that appreciate the virtues I have no problem horse for courses--that's what this hobby is all about as for us to voice an opinion -good or poor

You as a favoured dealer have ample opportunity to show what the brand can do to your customers--and I'm sure they appreciate that as is your right to laud the product for its capabilities--and Kudos for that!

However-- like I said not on my watch

I don't want to turn this thread into a Magico bashing party, but I, like Phil, also did exhaustive due diligence and after listening to many speakers in several audiophile homes and dealer showrooms (including the Magico S5II and S7s, which were at the top of my list), I cast my vote and purchased the Rockport Cygnus as well. Interestingly, the Cygnus is a very boxless sounding and exceedingly coherent speaker despite having a substantial box and a big rear firing port, both features which I have scrupulously avoided over the last decade of speaker auditioning and ownership.
If you are into the 57 type of sound then of course , no "box" speaker will be your cup of tea ...

Oh I don't know about that--:P!

--I luv :Dmy Avalon Ascent II's( original Charles Hansen models) and Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage( original Franco versions) and Harbeth LS3/5A 11ohms.

But between you and me I do MISS my Stacked Quad57's --the custom built and restored ones bought from The Radio People Hkg--no longer sadly:(

No I agree I possibly was tad harsh with my criticism --so let Magico continue with what appears to be a very successful business approach and a Product that obviously satisfies its many customers and B+M Stores--the industry needs success stories in these times.

Good listening

Oh I don't know about that--:P!

--I luv :Dmy Avalon Ascent II's( original Charles Hansen models) and Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage( original Franco versions) and Harbeth LS3/5A 11ohms.

All good, but so different from an ESL 57 ....

But between you and me I do MISS my Stacked Quad57's --the custom built and restored ones bought from The Radio People Hkg--no longer sadly:(

The ones i have heard from Wayne Piquet, have good drive and sounds pretty good ..
I don't want to turn this thread into a Magico bashing party, but I, like Phil, also did exhaustive due diligence and after listening to many speakers in several audiophile homes and dealer showrooms (including the Magico S5II and S7s, which were at the top of my list) and I cast my vote and purchased the Rockport Cygnus as well. Interestingly, the Cygnus is a very boxless sounding and exceedingly coherent speaker despite having a substantial box and a big rear firing port, both features which I have scrupulously avoided over the last decade of speaker auditioning and ownership.

Are there any lab measurements on the Rockport , i dont think Atkinson has had one over at SP as yet ...
I doubt very much if Andy would want a SP review. I have seen the famous waterfall plots that measure cabinet resonances versus frequency and time of a Magico; a Wilson and a Rockport speaker together on the same screen. The Rockport was dead flat. The others, not so much.
I don't want to turn this thread into a Magico bashing party, but I, like Phil, also did exhaustive due diligence and after listening to many speakers in several audiophile homes and dealer showrooms (including the Magico S5II and S7s, which were at the top of my list), I cast my vote and purchased the Rockport Cygnus as well. Interestingly, the Cygnus is a very boxless sounding and exceedingly coherent speaker despite having a substantial box and a big rear firing port, both features which I have scrupulously avoided over the last decade of speaker auditioning and ownership.
Hi Musicfirst, you are another happy owner of Cygnus! How big is your room? The Cygnus is like you say quite a substantial box, and is ported. Is there a minimum room size needed for it to work well in?
Hi Musicfirst, you are another happy owner of Cygnus! How big is your room? The Cygnus is like you say quite a substantial box, and is ported. Is there a minimum room size needed for it to work well in?
Hi Alectiong and welcome to the forum!
I have a medium size room. It is only 13.5' wide and while the Cygnus fits just fine, I'm certain the speakers would benefit from a wider room. I would love a 16' width or more. Even in my room, I still have the speakers close together. 80" from centre to centre, 24" off the side walls and 72" off the back wall from the back of the speaker. My ceiling is peaked starting at 8' high at the walls and peaking at 10' 8" in the centre of the room. The speakers fire into an open concept living/dining/kitchen space. The dining room is behind the listening chairs and is separated from the open concept kitchen by a 42" high half wall located 25' from the wall behind the speakers. Even in this space I have managed to install 6 Rel Gibraltar G1 12" powered subs, three a side located in the back corners behind the mains.
I doubt very much if Andy would want a SP review. I have seen the famous waterfall plots that measure cabinet resonances versus frequency and time of a Magico; a Wilson and a Rockport speaker together on the same screen. The Rockport was dead flat. The others, not so much.

Still independent reviews and measurements are eventually necessary , at the very least to verify specs ..