Part 1 of my 2015 rmaf show coverage

It's interesting what people post on the internet vs. what they say when nobody else is listening... ;)
Mark, liked your report. Favorite line," I have been to three county fairs and two goat breedings and I have never heard of a DAC crashing before".
Forgot to say: Great coverage Mark. I enjoyed reading through your comments. Oh yeah, I also agree with your assessment of the Wilson / D'Agostino room. Some good sounds were comin' outta that space!
Forgot to say: Great coverage Mark. I enjoyed reading through your comments. Oh yeah, I also agree with your assessment of the Wilson / D'Agostino room. Some good sounds were comin' outta that space!

+1...I preferred this setup to the Constellation-Alexia...although sometimes in shows reaction is going based on whatever music is being played when one visits the room...

Thanks for such an enjoyable partial cover of RMAF. It would be great if more people used your format - detailed description of the systems they appreciated more and ignoring those that due to unknown or uninteresting causes sounded poor in their opinions.

Francisco-Thank you for your kind comments-they are much appreciated.