Bat Rex II monos


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Has anyone heard these amps?

If anyone knows Randy (aka Chessman), can you ask him to come by and say hello. I would love his comments on the new BAT gear.
Mike you know I'm a BAT fan I've had 3 bat preamps. And 3 bat amps and a phonostage.
All were great in their own way. I have owned vk60's in stereo and mono and vk75 and heard the original Rex monos several times and they are really nice amps. Didn't know there was a version 2 . A pair of Rex monos will set you back a few $$. I once ran 85db sensitive speakers to extreme levels in a big room with just a 60w stereo vk60. They seem to have way more power than they are rated. Oh and they are big and heavy!!!! If your in the $40k pricerange for amps you have to at least listen to them, before you buy .
Steve - thanks for the comments. They are definitely being considered.
hey mike dont forget about these either, :exciting:

a quote i found from singer!!

With its massive 50 lb output transformer and pure Class A tube triode configuration, the JL3 drives any transducers with ease, out finessing the best SET amps on high efficiency loudspeakers and bringing a level of musicality and authority to Magico Model 5s and Q5s and other Super Speakers that is unsurpassed by any other amp!


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