Lumin t3 issue


New member
Oct 13, 2022
My t3 have now for The second time had The t3 skipping in a track . It sounds like a cd player playing a scratched cd .I turned it off and on again and all is fine .Any suggestions ?
All The best Jcj
My t3 have now for The second time had The t3 skipping in a track . It sounds like a cd player playing a scratched cd .I turned it off and on again and all is fine .

Might be your network connection? If your network is unreliable or doesn't have enough bandwidth then playback could get interrupted. That was often a situation that I saw on older Wi-Fi networks with various streaming products.
1. If the track is skipped without any audio impact:

a. make sure you're not involving WiFi from Lumin to the router to your source for music data.

b. If you're using a USB drive, move it to a computer or NAS, install the free MinimServer there. In router reserve an IP address for the MinimServer. In Lumin app choose MinimServer as library. Clear your playlists and rebuild them.

c. If you're experiencing this with Tidal or Qobuz, it's caused by a login issue or the track is no longer allowed to be streamed.

2. If you experience a strange audio sound before skipping, check the track file itself, or repeat playing the same track. Also check the network infrastructure.
Thank you for the kind welcome and your help .The streamer is connected directly to the router with a ethernet cable .
Iam streaming from Tidel .The connection is a 1000 mbit connection so there should not be a problem . It has only happend a few time over a 2 Months period but still.
I forgot to mention that The streamer is connected to a switch thats connected to The router.
Please keep a log of exact version of the album / artist / track on Tidal, and retry it in a non-peak hour. Then send me the list of the tracks that you're having trouble with - I'll help test them.

It's not about your internet speed, it's about whether the Tidal server that is assigned to you in your region for your track is too busy or not at your time of access.
I forgot to mention that The streamer is connected to a switch thats connected to The router.

I would remove the switch and see that solves the problem. Is so the issue appears to be further up the chain than the T3.
Thanks Peter Lie
I Will keep a log of the Tracks that has been causing the skipping with and report back to you .As Long as I know its not a problem with the t3 I am calm .
I Can’t avoid the switch .