AudioQuest Fog Lifters


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL

For four decades, AudioQuest has stated as clearly as possible, that pretty much all audio improvements come from reducing “damage”—either by preserving the original information or by not adding misinformation. AudioQuest’s new Fog Lifters work so well because of how effectively they address a significant source of misinformation—Radio-Frequency Noise coupled from the floor into audio and AC cables.

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A carpet or wood floor, not to mention a concrete floor, might not at first seem like a source of RF Noise, but infact RF energy is all around us and always wants to go wherever it can find a lower energy state.
Think of lightning or static electricity, especially in winter. You don’t think of yourself as an energy source, but dry heated air can make it painfully obvious that there’s an energy differential between you and the things you touch. That’s not an exact analogy, but very close.
Fog Lifters significantly reduce RF coupling, whether with the floor, or due to misdirected efforts to isolate cable with stands or clamps that themselves have too much mass and are sources of RF Noise.
A few inches or centimeters might not seem important, but as with light coming from a bulb, the energy falls off exponentially. A few inches or centimeters makes a big difference—which translates into a lower noise-floor and less compromise to, and distortion in, attached active circuits
If you’re thinking “my cables are shielded, so there is no noise problem,” you’re partially correct—but at the high frequencies we’re bathed in thanks to cellular, Wi-Fi, etc., conventional shielding does not stop RF Noise from being capacitively coupled into signal-carrying conductors—not to mention that the shield itself is drained to a ground plane, which is in a sense as sensitive as the signal because “signal” is the difference between signal and ground.

$149.95 for 8
I’ve been using 4 Cardas Myrtle wood blocks and have been thinking of replacing them. Can these be sold in smaller quantities?

I’ll split a pack with you.

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Seem very reasonably priced. If they work, probably a bargain considering today’s high end audio prices for anything/everything.
Perfect for the new 'Star Wars' movie, as they are both from the same alternate universe. But in this universe, the only thing the lifters do is waste your money.

LOL. Do cables matter?

All kidding aside, I find they do work well on carpeted floors.

I also like the Furutech NCF Booster for behind the rack.

Shunyata makes the Dark Field Elevators which are quite good as well.

There are also some honker ceramic ones I’ve seen as well.

But people need to try for themselves. I find they work. More of the freaking voodoo (like fuses) I don’t understand, but do hear.
Received the four "Fog lifters" from Mike today. They are a little taller than I expected. But, the good news is that there is no fog in my neighborhood today. Thanks again Mike for splitting up an eight pack.



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It is not enough to lift the cables from the floor. They should be very fixed, as fixed as possible. Therefore, these accessories cannot be fully effective.
It is not enough to lift the cables from the floor. They should be very fixed, as fixed as possible. Therefore, these accessories cannot be fully effective.

Really? How do you go about obtaining "very fixed" cables? How does that improve the sound?
What kind of fog did you have that has now disappeared?
I've loved this hobby for nearly 50 years but products like this are a bridge too far, even for me.