Technical Brain - Zero Int


New member
Sep 20, 2015
Just had this delivered today. Only listened for about 1.5 hours from brand new in the box. No rack space as of yet.
Too early to make a judgement but what I initially noticed is it's so powerful. Th specs state 100w into 8ohm but it feels a lot more powerful than my darTZeel integrated. It really has a iron grip on the speakers.
Also it's like a veil has been lifted and the music is so crystal clear, Cleary a big notch up in transparency.
Very impressed so far.

Fun times ahead





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Wow! Looks like an amazing piece. Can't wait for more updates. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats. Have never had a chance to see or hear tech brain gear. Interested to hear your impressions.

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Wow. Beautiful integrated. Is there a remote control? What speakers are you using? Waiting to hear your impressions.
Wow. Beautiful integrated. Is there a remote control? What speakers are you using? Waiting to hear your impressions.

No remote control. It's a very purist design.
I'm using it on Wilson Benesch Act One Evolution..

Unfortunately I've got 2 weeks of non stop work so not much time to listen ATM.

I think it's the type of amp that would appeal to people who enjoy a warts n all sound with gobs of detail and a very clear window into your recordings. So realistic!

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Also the TB Int has a captive power cord that's fed straight into the power supply. A nice saving $$

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About a year ago I went to my dealer's place to collect a power cord, I knew he was a Technical Brain dealer. He has two rooms with different gear, in one room he had Wilson speakers matted to Technical Brain Mono amps (I can’t remember if he was using a Technical Brain Pre amp – I strongly suspect he was), he had the top of the range Zensati cabling. I was quite keen to hear his system and TB gear in particular.

I have heard Wilson speakers only once before, but with the TB amps, the system/sound was so clear and transparent I was quite taken back (Wilson's were sounding more like Magico), you could ‘see’ right though, I never would have guessed Wilson speakers could sound like that. My system is transparent but not to this level. I spent a good hour listening to music in his home and came away very impressed with TB amps (and most likely the Pre-amp as well).

Enjoy !
Is the volume control stepped or continuously variable? If the former, what are the increments?
The technical Brain ZERO Integrated amp:

100W into 8Ohms
200W into 4Ohms
400W into 2Ohms
Stable to down to 1(one) Ohm

Captive 3.5meter Power cord directly into the 1200VA Hand-wound transformer.

Weight 29Kg.

Transparent, powerful with incredible control over any speaker system.

Linear, manual rotary volume control. Optimised for 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock volume setting (ie non exponential).

Enjoy listening Bob!
Also the TB Int has a captive power cord that's fed straight into the power supply. A nice saving $$

Maybe, but I would consider that a negative, unless the cord was sourced from a specialist power cord manufacturer. I do love the name Technical Brain. Working in Silicon Valley I know many. :)
Hey Bob what are your latest findings on the TB int ?

I've been too busy and little time for listening at the moment... will hopefully get some time tomorrow [emoji3]
I will say even at low volume level the music is still full and satisfying. Just about every other amp I've used needed more volume to come alive.

I am planning on a a/b test of the TB Int with my dac Tad da1000 to a friends Chord Dave.

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The technical Brain ZERO Integrated amp:

100W into 8Ohms
200W into 4Ohms
400W into 2Ohms
Stable to down to 1(one) Ohm

Captive 3.5meter Power cord directly into the 1200VA Hand-wound transformer.

Weight 29Kg.

Transparent, powerful with incredible control over any speaker system.

Linear, manual rotary volume control. Optimised for 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock volume setting (ie non exponential).

Enjoy listening Bob!

Thank you!

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Maybe, but I would consider that a negative, unless the cord was sourced from a specialist power cord manufacturer. I do love the name Technical Brain. Working in Silicon Valley I know many. :)

Absolutely I'm sure there's people in both camps. I'm all for not having to buy more cables [emoji39]

I believe the power cord being fed directly into the Transformer would have its advantages.
The cord is thick and does not feel or look low quality. I doubt Naoto would of gone to the trouble of hand winding the Transformer only to stick a low quality cable into it.

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