Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE

Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
A company that builds all of it's equipment by hand in the USA. Just around the corner from me actually.

Just picked up a new pre-amp from them 2 days ago.

Here is a quick first impression:
The W4S has many hours to go breaking in. The things that I have noticed so far is the bass is very tight, and the sound stage is about as good as I have ever heard. I would say so far a tad harsh, not quite as smooth as it will become. But incredibly clear and sound stage... did I mention sound stage... holy cow....

As is listed in the owners manual:
“Break in period
Your new preamplifier will deliver outstanding performance right out of the box. However, you should plan on improvements as it reaches its normal operating temperature and once all of the components have a chance to “settle in”. Our experience has shown that the STP has reached its’ potential after the initial 200 hours. One will find that the initial 100hours, the unit will start to shed the initial “brightness” and somewhat harsh transitions. During the second 100 hours, the preamplifier will start to become more fluid, and smoother overall. Additional time is where the lesser of a change happens, and you will come to enjoy your new product for years to come. After the initial break in period, your unit will be ready to perform when powered on. "
The STP-SE was wonderful. It was during my learning phase so I tried others. Now with the Stage 2 it is even better. The standard was great, the Stage 2 is quite a bit better, which is rather amazing!
The STP-SE was wonderful. It was during my learning phase so I tried others. Now with the Stage 2 it is even better. The standard was great, the Stage 2 is quite a bit better, which is rather amazing!

The stage 2 is a different beast. So much better in every way.