Tube pre between Linn, Nord and Proac?

Is there something about the sound of the Linn? I have a customer with one (different amp and speakers) and he's just commissioned a 6SN7 preamp from me to insert into his lineup. Says he can't live without tubes somewhere.

Hi Blackdog, I only have experience of the Linn MAJIK DSi, so cannot say this applies to Linn products in general, but its sound compared to other brands I have owned is quite dry, analytical and cold. It really lays the music bare, with a huge amount of detail and a big 3D soundstage, but it is quite unforgiving - especially with not so well recorded music. With my speakers, it can sound absolutely stunning with well-recorded classical music, but I find that vocals are sometimes a bit flat and grainy and rock, house and techno can sound a bit lean and lack fun.

I have read several reviews of the DSi and all seem to share my experience. One reviewer suggested it sounds a bit 'grey' and I think this captures it perfectly. However, I have also read that it is the internal amplifier that lets the DSi down, with most people suggesting the streamer is excellent - something my (long suffering) girlfriend and I can confirm having done blind a/b tests against an Auralic. The Space Optimisation software is also really, really good - I don't think I'd want to live without it now - it makes a massive difference. Also having an all-in-one DAC, streamer and phono stage with built-in room correction is really convenient.

This is why I wanted to experiment with a warmer tube pre amplifier, bypassing the DSi amp.

So I will have a look at your website... ;)
A tube preamp should give you the warmth you are seeking except for maybe the ones based on the 6H30 tube. Depending on what you see and hear with you audition the Icon preamps look like they may be the ticket at a reasonable price. With the LS-100 I could tailor the sound by changing the two 6SN7 tube brands. There are still a great number of NOS 6SN7 tubes available at fair prices.
A tube preamp should give you the warmth you are seeking except for maybe the ones based on the 6H30 tube. Depending on what you see and hear with you audition the Icon preamps look like they may be the ticket at a reasonable price. With the LS-100 I could tailor the sound by changing the two 6SN7 tube brands. There are still a great number of NOS 6SN7 tubes available at fair prices.

Thanks Jack, that's really helpful to know.
Is there something about the sound of the Linn? I have a customer with one (different amp and speakers) and he's just commissioned a 6SN7 preamp from me to insert into his lineup. Says he can't live without tubes somewhere.

It is a bit dry sounding.

The other option worth trying is changing Linn to Lumin IMO. Lumin sounds fuller and more natural to my ears.
It is a bit dry sounding.

The other option worth trying is changing Linn to Lumin IMO. Lumin sounds fuller and more natural to my ears.

Thanks Elberoth - I really like the look of the Lumins, though unfortunately none of their products seem to have inputs for other devices (unless I missed it?) and if I'm replacing the Linn, I'll also need a phono input (or line in and separate phonos stage) and optical for the TV.

Would be great to know of any other streamer pres that will do that - I guess Naim NAC 172 would be one?
Aurender A10 has an optical, but still no phono (or line input). It is also much warmer sounding than Linn.

That (or Lumin) may your next step if the preamp alone doesn't do the trick.
Aurender A10 has an optical, but still no phono (or line input). It is also much warmer sounding than Linn.

That (or Lumin) may your next step if the preamp alone doesn't do the trick.

Thanks - I'd not heard of the Aurender, looks good.
Hi all, thanks to your suggestions, so far I have tried a Croft Micro 25 and Icon Audio La4 Mkii. I love the detail and separation of the Croft, and the fullness and warmth of the Icon. Is there a way of getting the best of both worlds? The Icon is a bit too soft, with plucked instruments lacking bite. But the Croft seems lean after the Icon. Could tube rolling the Icon give me more snap? Or are the changes from tubes not that marked? Thanks in advance for suggestions. J
If it was using off the shelf Chinese or Russian current production 6SN7 tubes then yes you can change the voicing quite a bit with various NOS tubes. Also some change is possible by swapping out the rectifier.
If it was using off the shelf Chinese or Russian current production 6SN7 tubes then yes you can change the voicing quite a bit with various NOS tubes. Also some change is possible by swapping out the rectifier.

Thanks Jack - are there any NOS 6SN7s or rectifiers that are known to improve attack with the Icon? Or is it just a case of experimenting?
The ones most commonly used to get the sound you are looking for would be Sylvania's from the 50-60's. Behind that would be Tung Sol or GE. The better Mullard or Amperex rectifiers should be easier to find there.
The ones most commonly used to get the sound you are looking for would be Sylvania's from the 50-60's. Behind that would be Tung Sol or GE. The better Mullard or Amperex rectifiers should be easier to find there.

Great - thank you Jack. I'll see if I can track some down.