Steve Guttenberg just reviewed ourBackert Labs Rhumba 1.3 preamp on YouTube, and all we can say is, 'wow'.


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
This was the body of my email and link to Review. Bob makes great Pre Amps

Backert Rhumba 1.3 preamp, doesn't sound like solid-state or tubes - YouTube

Hi there - just letting you and our other friends know:

Steve Guttenberg just reviewed our Rhumba 1.3 preamp on YouTube, and all we can say is, 'wow'. A few of his remarks....

"This palpability, this dimensionality, this body
to the sound of each instrument, was really,
really spectacular. But the life of it, the
rhythm, the pace ... was fantastic."

"Transparent, pure, dynamically alive,
forward motion -- it's all happening."

"The Rhumba 1.3 is a keeper!"

And the crazy part -- we're thrilled that at 13:20, Steve put our $4K Rhumba up against a highly respected $16K preamp. You can decide which one he preferred, but the Rhumba 1.3 definitely held its own.
This was the body of my email and link to Review. Bob makes great Pre Amps

Backert Rhumba 1.3 preamp, doesn't sound like solid-state or tubes - YouTube

Hi there - just letting you and our other friends know:

Steve Guttenberg just reviewed our Rhumba 1.3 preamp on YouTube, and all we can say is, 'wow'. A few of his remarks....

"This palpability, this dimensionality, this body
to the sound of each instrument, was really,
really spectacular. But the life of it, the
rhythm, the pace ... was fantastic."

"Transparent, pure, dynamically alive,
forward motion -- it's all happening."

"The Rhumba 1.3 is a keeper!"

And the crazy part -- we're thrilled that at 13:20, Steve put our $4K Rhumba up against a highly respected $16K preamp. You can decide which one he preferred, but the Rhumba 1.3 definitely held its own.

Maybe the wrong place ( Selling ) to post this. Maybe in the actual Pre-Amp section under Audio & Video would be better. Maybe Mike or Joe can move it.