Recommend me a SS pre.....

It really is a wonderful piece. They offer a trial and well worth the effort. I am not sure how to best hook up your sub, etc.. But, it's not expensive enough for some :(

Dang, you got me thinking about the MicroZOTL2.0 Joe :). The only thing that might be a problem for me is I wish it had 2 or three outputs. To the Job 225 (yes I have fallen in love with this amp again), but also to the sub, and would be nice to keep the Bryston BHA-1 hooked, but that can be handled by switching cables... the sub might be an issue though.

The headphone amp section of MZ might well take the place of the Bryston then you could get a sub with speaker level inputs.
I am also thinking that I might not need the sub. The KEF may be fine on their own. I use the sub mainly because I already have it. I am seriously thinking that I might have to sell the ARC and if I do getting one of these.

I do have a couple questions about the options.
* remote, Joe had mentioned that it comes with a basic volume control type remote. If this is the case then is the optional remote needed? If the optional remote is just the little Apple looking remote that seems like $250 is WAY over priced.
* Power supply, is the linear that much better? Worth $595?
* DC cable length, is literally for easier placement? Is is good if the power supply is right next to the main pre?
* Standard tubes vs their NOS. Am I going to get better tubes right away, from Upscale, etc. If so then no reason to buy their NOS, correct?
Yes, it comes with an optional apple remote. I don’t know if the volume control is motorized if you don’t get it. You’ll have to ask. I bought the longer dc cable just to make placement easier. Mine is next to it for now but my rack setup will change shortly. I believe better power makes better gear so I absolutely believe the lps is worth it. I have not tried it without. If you are using the headphone output, get the nos tubes and ask for them to install a set of 12AU7, that way you will not have to open the unit and if you want to return it, you’ll be good to go. Don’t worry about any other or additional tubes until you decide to keep it. You can always roll them later.

Black or silver.



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It really is a wonderful piece. They offer a trial and well worth the effort. I am not sure how to best hook up your sub, etc.. But, it's not expensive enough for some :(

I think heihei was looking for an SS amp.

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Well... the OP has not been participating, appearing to be satisfied with reading the comments, etc. The thread took a turn and no one seemed to mind :D....

One final question though... I am still confused a little. The remote, even if you do not ad the remote to your order you get the basic volume remote? Or do you have to ad the remote option to get any remote? Does the remote options give a better remote, as in a motorized volume? Their site is very unclear on this and does not show the remote that you get or do not get depending on options that are chosen.

Back to SS now.... To summarize, we all agree there are plenty of good preamps out there, many well known, some not so much. Pass, Bryston, Esoteric, PS Audio, among others :)... Joe mentioned three that he feels are above and beyond performance for the dollar factor, if I am remembering correctly.... The MicroZOTL2.0, the Prima Luna's, and the Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE, of which the W4S is the SS representative of the group. :)

One of the LTA people is a member so just contact him. "willsw" I understand it as either remote or no remote as to how it is built. It was only added as an option in the later part of this year.
If I am understanding correctly, heihei is looking for a preamp not constrained by price/cost and therefore something more able to match his other gear. I suspect he's looking for a preamp with stellar performance regardless of price within sane levels.
Yea, I believe you are correct Joe. He also said that he is not opposed to saving money :).... But yea, there is a ton of good stuff out there if price is not an option. Man, now tell me that would not be a fun investigation!
I am surprised that no one has recommended D'Agostino gear. I personally haven't heard his gear but I have read the reviews and there was a lot of hub bub about his gear a while back.

Now if some one was on a budget and wanted an excellent bang for the buck SS preamp, the Parasound JC2 is fabulous for its black background, air and transparency.
Awesome discussions chaps - apologise for not being too active, but to be honest my experience lags behind others on the forum - hence the question!
I have no problem with the discussions drifting into tube pre's esp if there is a comparison to SS pre's. I spent some time today comparing the AR Ref 10 to Nagra Jazz to Thoress. The Ref 10 gives a fantastic sense of being in the auditorium, capturing the atmosphere / space of the recording. In doing so, it places you half-way back and so you miss some of the fine detail.
The Nagra on the other-hand, majors on detail but can have a slight edge, def putting you in the front row. Bearing in mind the price difference though (and the Jazz is in basic form, i.e. no isolation platter and standard power supply) it's a great bit of kit with stunning build quality.
The Thoress also puts you in the front row, but has a fatter sound to the Nagra, so doesn't have the edge. More listening required on this, but like it so far.
Hoping to try an Audiopax and VTL 6.5 sometime soon, and potentially a CH L1. I'll report back.
If you are considering tubes pre then one that is not often mentioned (but should be) is the Aesthetix. Not sure if you have a distributor in the UK but it is truly special.
Audia Flight Strumento No 1
Audionet Pre I G3/Pre G2/Stern
Burmester 088/077
T+A P 3000 HV
I’ve had many and the stp-se can hang with some of the best, under the right circumstances. I do a majority of listening at low volumes and I am pretty excited about my LTA MZ2 right now, specifically for those low level late night listening sessions. As much as I loved my CJ GAT, I could never get the right level. Either it was too loud or too low and even on step 1 it was sometimes not right for me. Everything in context matters. I can’t see anything right now being better for me than my MZ2.

I tend to listen at mid to higher you think the pre does that well or can? What’s the gain?
If I remember correctly from my research on it 12 db with the 12AT7's and a bit lower with 12AU7's if you have an amp that needs it like the Job amps. I think Joe is still running it with the 12AU7's into the MC-303 which should be similar in input sensitivity to your amp. The standard 12AT7 level should be enough.
I would call them and talk to them as by all reports they are good guys who are interested in happy customers. One of them is actually a member here.