Preamp for Dag


New member
Apr 16, 2021
Hi everyone.
I’m looking to upgrade my MBL 5011 preamp connected to my D’agostino progression power amp.
My system includes:
Raidho d1.1 speakers on stands
D’agostino Progression power amp
MBL 5011 preamp
Simaudio Moon evolution 680 streamer dac
Trumusic speaker cables and xlr
No special power cords or conditioners.
my living room size is about 35 sqm.
my budget is 15,000-25,000 US dollars.
I’m looking for a lively open clear sound with great resolution and tight bass.
I’ve heard Vitus mp-l201 which was very deep and 3D but not enough highs for me.
Also heard Luxman 900c (not enough gain) and Constellation which was too lean.
I don’t have the luxury to audition most gear, because I live in Israel, and number of hi end dealers here is limited, as well as the gear they have on demo.
I would like to add that the Dag amp has a very low sensitivity, and my Raidho speakers are very very hard to drive!
Thank you all,
One of the D’ag preamps would work wonderfully and perhaps provide the best synergy ... however I really like tubes on the front end of a d’ag amp ... ARC Ref6SE comes to mind along with the Ref10. BAT Rex3 preamp should be really good also. My 2c

Welcome to the forum David.
You have a great system , but i think you would also gain a lot looking at power cords.
Thank you all for your knowledgeable comments.
I really should look at power chords.
In addition, I don’t like to round my sound or make it “tube” like.
I’m looking for something detailed and fast.
Unfortunately I don’t have an opportunity to try the soulution.
There is a dealer, but he doesn’t have it on display or for demo
Have only heard it on youtube so of course not very serious . but what about Boulder or Pass Laps.
I’ve auditioned Pass integrated before having the Dag. Though it sounded clear, it was a little anemic for my taste.
Haven’t heard Boulder. Can’t demo it in Israel.
Get a First Sound Presence Deluxe MkIII-Si with Paramount Special Edition upgrades. Has dual external mono power supplies and a copper-clad enclosure for the central control unit. Dual mono throughout. You could cut the central control unit into two separate units and each would be fully functional independently of the other. Shunyata wire throughout and CCI NR filters on the incoming AC receptacles. Individual hand-trimmed Holco metal film resistors for the gain controls. All the wiring for the connections and input jacks use air dielectric.

First Sound Audio Amplifiers and Pre-amplifiers

Here's mine....



All the blue and brown wire is proprietary Shunyata Research wire.

All input jacks are grounded by massive copper bus bars.


Copper-plated steel chassis that functions as a Faraday cage.


The First Sound Presence Deluxe with Paramount SE upgrades have dual, external power supplies. The dual DC umbilicals guessed it, Shunyata wire.

Inside one of the dual external, mono, power supplies. 145,200 uF of power supply capacitance each. Red arrows point to Shunyata Reseach CCI NR filters.

The two dual, mono external power supplies on provide a total 290,400 μFarads of power supply capacitance.

I'm tellin' ya, you have never heard a preamp like this one...

If you want to go even further, you can get the Presence Deluxe with Paramount Super Special Edition upgrades.

A number of reviews at places like Positive Feedback, Six Moons and Enjoy the Music, etc. IIRC, all the reviewers bought their own FS as their reference.
That's a very nice piece of gear. By just looking it's got at least 3 things that I look for. It's tube driven, simple design with short signal paths and very heathy power supplies. I especially like that the attenuators are very close to the outputs. Congrats.
That's a very nice piece of gear. By just looking it's got at least 3 things that I look for. It's tube driven, simple design with short signal paths and very heathy power supplies. I especially like that the attenuators are very close to the outputs. Congrats.

Yeah, Emmanuel Go takes a "no-compromises" approach to his audio designs.
Get a First Sound Presence Deluxe MkIII-Si with Paramount Special Edition upgrades.

A number of reviews at places like Positive Feedback, Six Moons and Enjoy the Music, etc. IIRC, all the reviewers bought their own FS as their reference.

Looks like an amazing pre-amp for sure!!! To me a pre is one of the most over looked components in the over all systems. I consider them extremely important.

I have always been curious how much better, how much I could actually hear comparing something like the First Sound against something like my Hattor with the optional Tube Active Stage. I have never heard a better sounding pre-amp than this 3-box Hattor setup, but believe the First Sound may very well be one of the best out there. I also believe that Emmanuel and Arek use very similar criteria's in their designs. I am sure the First Sound is a different level... just curious as to how much :).
Get a First Sound Presence Deluxe MkIII-Si with Paramount Special Edition upgrades. Has dual external mono power supplies and a copper-clad enclosure for the central control unit. Dual mono throughout. You could cut the central control unit into two separate units and each would be fully functional independently of the other. Shunyata wire throughout and CCI NR filters on the incoming AC receptacles. Individual hand-trimmed Holco metal film resistors for the gain controls. All the wiring for the connections and input jacks use air dielectric.

First Sound Audio Amplifiers and Pre-amplifiers

Here's mine....



All the blue and brown wire is proprietary Shunyata Research wire.

All input jacks are grounded by massive copper bus bars.


Copper-plated steel chassis that functions as a Faraday cage.


The First Sound Presence Deluxe with Paramount SE upgrades have dual, external power supplies. The dual DC umbilicals guessed it, Shunyata wire.

Inside one of the dual external, mono, power supplies. 145,200 uF of power supply capacitance each. Red arrows point to Shunyata Reseach CCI NR filters.

The two dual, mono external power supplies on provide a total 290,400 μFarads of power supply capacitance.

I'm tellin' ya, you have never heard a preamp like this one...

If you want to go even further, you can get the Presence Deluxe with Paramount Super Special Edition upgrades.

A number of reviews at places like Positive Feedback, Six Moons and Enjoy the Music, etc. IIRC, all the reviewers bought their own FS as their reference.

Really extensive preamp , love it ....!

Looks like an amazing pre-amp for sure!!! To me a pre is one of the most over looked components in the over all systems. I consider them extremely important.

I have always been curious how much better, how much I could actually hear comparing something like the First Sound against something like my Hattor with the optional Tube Active Stage. I have never heard a better sounding pre-amp than this 3-box Hattor setup, but believe the First Sound may very well be one of the best out there. I also believe that Emmanuel and Arek use very similar criteria's in their designs. I am sure the First Sound is a different level... just curious as to how much :).

You need to know...
You need to know...

Yea, probably :). The Hattor is amazing and I am 100% sure the First Sound is better. I have my doubts if I could actually hear the difference when considering the rest of my system. My system/room are probably not refined enough to actually be able to appreciate the subtle improvements :P.