pre-amp advice


Active member
Jan 18, 2018
currently, i have engaged the volume control on my DAC and am running the analog output directly into my atm-300r SET power amp. using this method, i certainly cannot complain about the sound. however, i have always intended to add an active pre-amp to the system.

before doing so, i wanted to get input from the AS community on it's experience here ... i have heard comments both pro and con as well as see many here who forgo a pre-amp in their system.

the question in my mind is: generically speaking, do others gain SQ advantages in adding an active pre-amp to their system that outweigh the detriments of putting more cabling, connections, tubes, electronics, etc. into the signal path?

all comments / thoughts / advice welcome ...thanks!!
I've really only done direct comparison once, going from a CDP with variable outs into a power amp. Then I used the fixed CDP output into the preamp. I preferred using the preamp, it wasn't even close.

I always meant to try going direct from my Levinson SACD direct to amp to see if the same result. Just never did.

I wonder now that not using a preamp is more popular if manufacturers have addressed any elements to improve sound going that route.

My first experience was so decisive Ijust kept with a preamp, plus I typically need the switching.
In my only experience comparing the two methods, using a preamplifier was better. Direct from the DAC seemed a little more detailed but using a preamplifer added more "life" to the music. It had more body and was more musical. Dynamics were also improved. YMMV

Since then I have switched to integrated amplifiers to eliminate the box and the extra wires.
Back in the 90s I owned a Proceed CDP whose volume control I used to attach my all digital CD player front end directly to my Mark Levinson No. 331 Amplifier. I was more than satisfied with the results. Although I did no direct comparisons with a good pre, a number of reviews of this unit and its big brothers, the Mark Levinson No. 39 and 390S, did do comparisons with similar results, favoring the direct connection. The volume control on these units was implemented in the analog domain. Obviously YMMV with different units, but this is early evidence that going direct in selected instances can yield fine performance. The Stereophile review of the No.39 can be found at (see p.3 for relevant commentary):
Mark Levinson No.39 CD player |
I’ve been going direct from my Lumin X1 into a power amp using Leedh volume processing on the Lumin app and love the sound. Worth a comparison.
thanks for the thoughtful and helpful posts -- please keep them coming!

the volume control on my DAC is in the digital domain -- so, it is a passive pre-amp of sorts. as mentioned, i am pretty happy with the sound at this point. there seems to be a really good balance between detail and musicality.

putting an active pre-amp in the chain will certainly alter the signal in some way ... probably adds some noise and loses some detail in exchange for other sonic characteristics; the net effect of which could go either way in terms of the resulting sound.

fwiw: the pre-amp i am considering has a highly-regarded MM phono stage which would make adding analog (with or without a SUT) quite easy. maybe i just keep going direct until the point where i actually take the analog plunge?
Be careful of having too much gain. Another alternative not yet mentioned include TVC passive (FYI only, not a recommendation).
I have always felt that a pre-amp was one of the most important components. Often overlooked.

I have had several; ARC, McIntosh, W4S Stage 2, etc. I believe the Hattor is my favorite that I have ever heard. Their passive's are arguable one of the best passive on the market... Add the Tube Active Stage and you have a world class pre-amplifier system! An amazing and very flexible 3 box system that will also not break you.
thanks for all the above posts. for those following along at home:

i ended up adding the pre-amp ... not even close, the pre-amp is hugely additive to SQ. much richer with no detectable loss in detail.

this amount of improvement / synergy was definitely not my a-priori expectation. one day maybe i will understand how running the signal through additional cabling, connections, valves, resistors, capacitors, etc ended up improving the SQ to such a significant degree.

1 + 1 = 11

Awesome, and Air Tight is supposed to be a very nice piece. I have never listened to one but their reputation is very solid!
Awesome, and Air Tight is supposed to be a very nice piece. I have never listened to one but their reputation is very solid!

thanks randy -- i heard their gear at axpona a few years back and once at a dealer. other than that, this was more-or-less a blind purchase and why i bought the amp and the pre-amp sequentially. very happy with their gear in my system ...and, i am still using the stock PCs and tubes (other than the 300Bs).
Congrats on the Air Tight, that's a very nice piece. I have tried running passive preamps like the Placette Passive and the Mod Squad Line Drive and I have also tried running a few CD players direct to the amplifier. The result was always the same, a good preamp always won.