Misho Myronov tube wooden preamp!

It seems like a wonderful tube. I just looked it up, Misho preamp has 6db of gain. The C3g and C3m are not interchangeable. Inserting the C3g tube into the C3m circuit will blow the tube as the voltage is different.

Follow that link, it’s not empty, it talks about these tubes.

Description of the C3g and C3m tube
Perhaps the best small signal pentodes ever made

Empty Page

Thanks for the link Joe. Very informative. I love my CSPort phono stage with C3g, and as testimony to the expected extremely long life they solder it directly to the board. That the Misho is using C3m tells me you've found a very special little preamp, I'd love to hear one. Simple circuits good!

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So, Paul, Joe told me he wouldn't have even known about the Misho Myronov tube wooden preamp if it wasn't for you. I, myself, would never have heard about the Misho Myronov tube wooden preamp or power amp either if it wasn't for my exposure to them a couple of dates ago on this site!!!! So please, do tell, how did you ever come across such an awesome, audio find as these incredible Misho Myronov tube wooden audio components?

And before I go, a BIG thanks for sharing your incredible find with your fellow sharks from the huge, gentle Whale Sharks, who push us aside gently with the water they displace just from swimming by to those awesome Great White Sharks who by swimming by with their unique "smile" says all we need to know and finally to those friendly gentle Wobbegongs sharks who swim by displacing no water and exposing no smiles! They just listen to the sound of the ocean's music as they swim by...
Thank you so much tubeguy1954 blush

After I got my Mezzo XD I tried so many amps with them and it wasn’t easy to find the right amp as they are 107db speakers. It reveals every shortcoming from your sources. Tried AirTight Monos, NAF 845, Coincident 300B Monos, Thorenss and many more


While some amps sounded good but hums or noise coming so had to let them go. After so many failures I started to search for the quietest amp and pre everywhere one day I found few horn speakers owners were talking about this unknown brand call “ Audio - Antiquary’s Wooden projects “ from Bulgaria got me intrigued.

The Horn speakers builder -Sierra Victor ( happen to be my FB Freind )-uses the wooden projects with his reference horn speakers


Also, my great friend Andy Moore uses them with his field coil speakers with great success


After spoken with them few days I had to try it in my system so I did purchase with a leap of faith without knowing what to expect in person :) but I did believe them coz they all following the best musical sound system as you can see in the pics above. Once I contact Misho everything went smooth. He packed well for a safe trip and we have been in contact from day one and misho is always willing to help after the sales as well.

Now I finished the whole wooden project with the RIAA phono stage too. It's been great. So far they play the most “ lively “ music in my system and I have no regret whatsoever. Great work Misho [emoji1360]



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Thank you so much tubeguy1954 blush

After I got my Mezzo XD I tried so many amps with them and it wasn’t easy to find the right amp as they are 107db speakers. It reveals every shortcoming from your sources. Tried AirTight Monos, NAF 845, Coincident 300B Monos, Thorenss and many more


While some amps sounded good but hums or noise coming so had to let them go. After so many failures I started to search for the quietest amp and pre everywhere one day I found few horn speakers owners were talking about this unknown brand call “ Audio - Antiquary’s Wooden projects “ from Bulgaria got me intrigued.

The Horn speakers builder -Sierra Victor ( happen to be my FB Freind )-uses the wooden projects with his reference horn speakers


Also, my great friend Andy Moore uses them with his field coil speakers with great success


After spoken with them few days I had to try it in my system so I did purchase with a leap of faith without knowing what to expect in person :) but I did believe them coz they all following the best musical sound system as you can see in the pics above. Once I contact Misho everything went smooth. He packed well for a safe trip and we have been in contact from day one and misho is always willing to help after the sales as well.

Now I finished the whole wooden project with the RIAA phono stage too. It's been great. So far they play the most “ lively “ music in my system and I have no regret whatsoever. Great work Misho [emoji1360]



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Hello, again Paul! First, thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures of those audio components! I'd have to say from what I saw, it looks more like you tried, and kept, those AirTight Monos, NAF 845, Coincident 300B Monos, Thorenss, and many more audio amps! :rolleyes: :celebrate008_2: :yahoo1::congrats: :woot: :snicker: Now, if you don't mind my asking, on to an important question for me. I'm curious, if you're willing to share this info, how many watts does the Misho Myronov tube wooden amp have and what does it cost? TIA...

Tom aka Thetubeguy1954
Hi Tom,

I think Misho mentioned that the amp is an extremely robust 3.5wpc. It absolutely feels more powerful than that on my Avantgarde.
Wow, they look such elegant and beautiful. Work of Art.

Does the preamp have remote ? How much do they typically cost ?
No remote for the preamp.

Roughly about $5K each when I bought mine.
Hi Tom,

I think Misho mentioned that the amp is an extremely robust 3.5wpc. It absolutely feels more powerful than that on my Avantgarde.

Joe from what you say about how good they sound it sounds like a steal! Sadly my Reference 3A Taksim speakers are only 92dB sensitive, so I'd need a more powerful amp than this. Luckily for now the combination of the Don Sachs preamp and T+A Elektroakustik amp are quite impressive together and I'm supposed to be getting my Mastersound Reference 845 amp repaired next month, God willing. Thanks for answering my questions...

Tom aka Thetubeguy1954
Ha! No problem. 92db is a little low, unfortunately.
These pieces do look amazing, unfortunately they are the exact opposite speaker match then what I have :)... my Maggie's are not only 4 ohm but also 86 db efficiency. They need a little bit of power :)... but the classic McIntosh that I recently picked up works very well when matched up with the Hattor three box pre-amp setup (passive main pre, outboard power supply, add on active tube stage). The Active Tube Stage option from Hattor just opened up the entire system. Really good upgrade!

Would love to try some of these low powered wonders some day... the wood amps in this thread, the First Watt SIT 3, etc., but that definitely would required a different set of speakers. And I love my Maggie's, soooo....
Matching the right amp/preamp to the right speakers is heavenly.
These pieces do look amazing, unfortunately, they are the exact opposite speaker match than what I have :)... my Maggie's are not only 4 ohm but also 86 dB efficiency. They need a little bit of power :)... but the classic McIntosh that I recently picked up works very well when matched up with the Hattor three-box pre-amp setup (passive main pre, outboard power supply, add-on active tube stage). The Active Tube Stage option from Hattor just opened up the entire system. Really good upgrade!

Would love to try some of these low-powered wonders someday... the wood amps in this thread, the First Watt SIT 3, etc., but that definitely would require a different set of speakers. And I love my Maggie's, soooo....

Randy, I wasn't familiar with Hattor Audio so I looked them up. I like the look and what I read about their passive "The Big" preamp and I believe the addition of the active tube stage was a great idea on your part --{even though it appears to be twice the price of the preamp}-- to be completely honest, if I had I not purchased the Don Sachs SP14 preamp last year, I would have purchased this preamp myself! I don't know how you guys do it, but my fellow sharks are always coming up with gear I'm completely in the dark about. First, there was Joe's Misho Myronov tube wooden preamp and now you with the Hattor "The Big" with Active Tube Stage preamp! I cannot wait till I hear more about this preamp from you...

Tom aka Thetubeguy1954

There’s so much superb gear out there waiting to be discovered. Misho Wooden series, Job gear (unfortunately no longer available), Hattor, Don Sachs, Supratek, the list goes on.....

I love finding these gems.
Randy, I wasn't familiar with Hattor Audio so I looked them up. I like the look and what I read about their passive "The Big" preamp and I believe the addition of the active tube stage was a great idea on your part --{even though it appears to be twice the price of the preamp}-- to be completely honest, if I had I not purchased the Don Sachs SP14 preamp last year, I would have purchased this preamp myself! I don't know how you guys do it, but my fellow sharks are always coming up with gear I'm completely in the dark about. First, there was Joe's Misho Myronov tube wooden preamp and now you with the Hattor "The Big" with Active Tube Stage preamp! I cannot wait till I hear more about this preamp from you...

Tom aka Thetubeguy1954

The Hattor has several options on the resistors being used. The AMRG Trans brings the price up to what is also being charged for the tube stage. But it is a huge upgrade from the standard model (I started with the standard and went up to the AMRG Trans version)!!!! So the entire system is not super cheap, but also reasonable and an amazing value. True dual mono, even two volume controls (can be operated in unison from the cool little metal remote). Really solidly made, and both units arrived in flight cases! They also took only two days to ship from Poland. Oh, 5 inputs and 4 outputs configured however the customer desires. I got 3 XLR and 2 RCA ins and 2 of each out. Believe it or not, I actually use all four outputs.

Arek is renowned for the volume control he developed. This control is sold separate through his other company, Khozmo Acoustic, and is the darling of the DIY community!

As Joe stated, their are a ton of great companies out there waiting to be discovered. I love finding great quality, giant killer type gear! Hattor, Wyred 4 Sound, Misho Myronov, Rythmik subwoofers, etc. Many are very small, such as Hattor, a one man operation building amazing equipment.

I was really sad that Goldmund stop production of the Job lineup :(....

There’s so much superb gear out there waiting to be discovered. Misho Wooden series, Job gear (unfortunately no longer available), Hattor, Don Sachs, Supratek, the list goes on.....

I love finding these gems.

Joe, you're 100% correct! There is a lot of audio gear many of us haven't been exposed to. Before I became disabled at 30, I made a good living as a UPS driver. Back then I made it a point to try new audio gear my friends never heard of. My first such purchase was an Aronov 960I integrated amp when no one knew who Aronov was! The same goes for the Aliante Pininfarina One monitor speakers I previously owned and with my Mastersound Reference 845 amp/integrated amp that I'm waiting to get fixed and now the Don Sachs Audio preamp! When I bought those pieces -{with the exception of the Don Sachs which some do seem aware of}- no one knew those names, although many do now. When just one of us takes a chance on a piece of audio gear others haven't been exposed to and it turns out to be a gem, we've opened a door for others to explore that piece of gear. For instance, I had three fellows come to my home when I was selling some of my audio gear to raise $$$$$ for another purchase I wanted to make. Well, I couldn't let them leave without playing the Mastersound via a pair of Beauhorn speakers. One of them asked what the amp was and I said "It's a Mastersound." Well, later on when they all left they told me how nice my system sounded. I, of course, assumed they were just being polite like most people are, but a few months later one of the fellows called to tell me how happy they were with their purchases, but then he told me two of them purchased Mastersound amps after they left because of what they heard at my place. See what you guys are now doing for me, I've done for others in the past and I'm sure those guys have had people in their homes who've now also been exposed to the Mastersound and thus the door is opened, the word is spread and more and more learn about an audio name they might never have heard of if that didn't happen! And this is EXACTLY what audio should be about, i.e. as we go about assembling the best audio system we can, we should be --1) exposing others to audio names they've never heard of and 2) helping other audio aficionados to get the very best music reproduction from the gear they own!

This is one of the reasons I joined the Audioshark forum. I can tell based on the gear you guys list as owning in the bottom of your posts, most of you have deeper pockets than mine, but because of that, you've guys been exposed to a lot of audio gear that I might never have even heard about if didn't take the time to share about it in these posts! Already I've learned about Joe's Misho Myronov Tube Wooden preamp and Randy's the Hattor "The Big" w/Active Tube Stage preamp. These are just two names in audio I might never have heard of if it wasn't for your posts here and for that, I thank you all. So now I come here to read and learn --{which joyfully seems to be a continuing journey for me here}-- I get to read about new pieces of audio gear you're trying and sometimes I can imagine the enjoyment you're having doing so. Then sometimes I notice that one of my fellow sharks is selling a piece of gear they no longer need, want, or wish to sell to try something new, and if it's something I can use and can afford :snicker: I'll let them know I'm interested and if I get to purchase the piece I give it a try. Just like I did with the T+A Elektroakustik Amp 8 I purchased from Randy! That little amp has grown to increasingly impress over the past few months I've owned it. At first, all I seemed to be able to hear was what it couldn't do as well as the Mastersound did. However, as I sat at my laptop with the music playing in the background, I'd suddenly notice something about the music that caught my attention, and slowly I began to notice all the things the T+A Amp 8 did exceedingly well. Randy was 100% correct this little T+A Amp 8 is very special indeed. I originally purchased it just to use until the Mastersound was repaired. Now I'm not so sure I want to sell it. In fact, even though I could never afford it, I'd love to hear what the T+A A 3000HV amp sounds like. Next month I'm supposed to be getting my Mastersound repaired by John S. up in Jacksonville, FL. and I cannot wait to get the Mastersound home so I can have a shootout between the T+A and Mastersound!!!!! So Joe, Randy, Paul, and all my other fellow sharks please keep these posts coming because I'm learning about some awesome new audio gear from the rest of you sharks. Besides that, I love reading what you sharks have to say about audio...

Tom aka Thetubeguy1954
I think many of us go through the same Tom. Since I jumped back into this amazing hobby I have discovered so many pieces that I never knew existed. I would say half of the companies that are now main stays in my system I had never heard of before!
The Hattor has several options on the resistors being used. The AMRG Trans brings the price up to what is also being charged for the tube stage. But it is a huge upgrade from the standard model (I started with the standard and went up to the AMRG Trans version)!!!! So the entire system is not super cheap, but also reasonable and an amazing value. True dual-mono, even two volume controls (can be operated in unison from the cool little metal remote). Really solidly made, and both units arrived in flight cases! They also took only two days to ship from Poland. Oh, 5 inputs and 4 outputs configured however the customer desires. I got 3 XLR and 2 RCA ins and 2 of each out. Believe it or not, I actually use all four outputs.



So Randy is the Hattor a recent addition to your system? If not how long have you owned it and would you mind naming one or two of the preamps you used prior to owning it and why you prefer the Hattor sonically? Finally, if you don't mind my asking, what was the final price of the Hattor "The Big" Preamp w/AMRG Trans and the Active Tube Stage delivered? I wished you guys didn't live so far away, I'd love to hear how my Don Sachs SP14 preamp compares to Joe's Misho Myronov Tube Wooden preamp and your the Hattor "The Big" w/Active Tube Stage preamp Randy. That's the part about audio I find to be the most fun and educational!

My friend Steve R. and I do this a lot. If one of us gets a new preamp, DAC, power cord, or just a pair of ICs we'll set-up a time together for a shoot-out between those two pieces. In fact, now that he has had his two Covid-19 vaccines we'll start very soon by Steve coming to my house --{Steve comes to my home first because I cannot drive far with my disability}-- with his Copland preamp. First, we'll listen to a few songs on my system with my Don Sachs preamp and once we find a song we both agree on using for the shootout, we'll replace the Don Sachs with his Copland. Then after listening we'll discuss which of the two each of us preferred and why. After we're done here we take the two pieces in question and go to Steve's house and listen to them in his system.

The funny part, so far at least, is if a wire sounds better in his or my system, it's always sounded better in the other guy's system. But an audio component that sounds better in one system might not sound better in the other person's system! ---Go Figure. Since we've started doing this one or the other of us have made upgrades in power cords, ICs, tubes, speaker wires, and speakers of our systems. Besides being a lot of fun, doing this has been very educational for us both.

Randy I'm waiting with bated breath to hear more about your Hattor preamp...

Tom aka Thetubeguy1954
Hmmm Tom... let me think. I got my Hattor about a year ago. I got the Active Tube Stage last fall. A very nice improvement. The Hattor is very open sounding, very detailed, incredible sound stage. The tube stage added a lot of dynamics and and quite a bit of gain (The Big has no gain) allowing me to enjoy amps like the classic McIntosh's more and not worry about running out of power with my Maggie's.

I used the output of various DACs on several occasions, however I have always liked having a good pre-amp. I consider the pre one of the primary components that often gets over-looked, especially in all digital systems. I have had the standard Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE which was wonderful. I later got a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Stage 2, which is one of the true Giant Killer pre-amps out there. I also had an Audio Research LS17 SE I think the model was. I like the ARC a lot but the Stage 2 was a better, more open and detail pre in my view. I have had a couple McIntosh integrated amps which I always enjoyed. I tried a Dennis Had which was a very good headphone amp but a terrible pre-amp. I also tried an Audio Mirror because I loved their SET amps. The pre-amp was defective twice so I gave up. I also own the Moon by SimAudio NEO 430HA which is an amazing headphone amp. I have read reviews where it was consider an amazing pre-amplifier. I might try it sometime, but the problem is it only has one pre-amp output which will not do. I need to use my Rythmik subs with my Maggie's so I require at least 2-sets of pre outs.

Of all of those the W4S Stage 2 was probably the best for over all sound performance. So open, so detail, so musical... I think the Hattor setup is the only pre-amp I have ever heard that I truly like more! Everything about the Stage 2 but better. It is also the most flexible as far as hook ups go that I have ever seen.