Misho Myronov tube wooden preamp!


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Here's a new thread dedicated to one of the worlds best preamps.



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Looks fantastic Joe. Would love to hear it. I assume that it is only SE... how many inputs? Remote? (I assume not)...
Yes, only single ended, no remote (but getting used to that), three inputs and two outputs. The tubes are rated for c. 10,000 hours.
Well Joe

we are waiting for you to spill the beans on why this is one of the worlds best preamps :P

Maybe Paul could check in but it is superb.

Dead quiet, layered, natural, sweet and clear, tremendous 3D, depth with live musical sounds.
Made specifically for horns or could it be part of any system?
It's lower gain (especially compared to the GAT2) but for any system.

Actually, if it had a remote, it would be the very best. I'm lazy.
When I got mine, it was a little less than $5K US. I know there’s probably a wait list and there might be a little price increase. Totally worth it.

You’d have to contact Misho to see how he wants to handle this going forward. I think he’s getting slammed with orders.
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Glad you’re loving it, Joe. Simple look but serious sound (I’m sure).

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Absolutely Sean.

I can’t use the GAT2 on half my amps because its gain is just way too high. The Misho preamp is probably one third the gain but exhibits all the great qualities of the GAT2, and then goes above and beyond.
In that school, Randy, you go straight to the head of the class.