Trying to understand power

Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
I am trying to understand which direction I should go with power for my system. This is only for my audio system, no video, etc., involved.

I currently have a fairly basic Furman power conditioner. It gives me all of the outlets that I need (six minimum), however I am trying to determine if it is good enough or if I should go in a different direction.

At this point I cannot afford to jump into the higher end units such as the AQ Niagara 5000 or 7000, and the like. I might be able to swing an AQ Niagara 1000 after selling off some extra cables, etc., that I have.

Would it be better to consider a UPS unit versus the power conditioner route. Are there better choices that would be a clear improvement in the range that I am currently in? If a UPS is a good choice, what are the basic criteria that I should be looking for?

I very much appreciate the input. You guys are always fantastic in clearing up confusion and questions that I seem to come up with :)...

PS... I believe I have fairly decent cabling; Richard Gray, 2x Pangea, Wyred 4 Sound, AQ, 2x Wireworld, etc. Even though it is probably not a factor here, I believe my interconnects are also fairly decent; AQ Earth XLR, AQ Anaconda XLR, Wyred 4 Sound XLR, Wireworld XLR, AQ Coffee USB x2, AQ RCA x2, Wyred 4 Sound C2 RCA, etc. (not all being used at this point in time).
In my experience the best investment that you can make with power is to have dedicated circuits for your music equipment. Like having your amps running in dedicated circuits. I did so and for $1k imho I got more out of it that any designer cable can provide.
Randy - I would only seek a UPS if you have a lot of power outages, brown outs, etc.

Otherwise, something like the AudioQuest Niagra 1000 or Shunyata Venon PS8 is the way to go within your budget range.
We don't really have many power outages (or brown outs) where we live, so it sounds like a UPS system probably does not make sense.

Are either (or both) the AudioQuest Niagra 1000 or Shunyata Venon PS8 that much better then my Furman? It looks like the AQ takes a standard power cable input while the Shunyata requires a 20A cable, which I do not have.

I have heard both stated, but is it better to have the amplifier(s) plug into the wall versus going through the conditioner? I noticed that the AQ has a specific output that is supposed to be for an amplifier.
In my experience the best investment that you can make with power is to have dedicated circuits for your music equipment. Like having your amps running in dedicated circuits. I did so and for $1k imho I got more out of it that any designer cable can provide.

Unfortunately this would be next to impossible. Besides that the circuit breaker is on the opposite side of the house, the loft is also... well a loft, upstairs... all walls have blown in insulation so running any type of wires in the walls is simply not possible. Circuit breakers are on the outside of the house here in California and we do not have basements (unlike what I was used to back in New York :)).
Lots of used PSAudio P10s out there, after the release of the P20. Price appears to be dropping quickly.

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For protection an Environmental Potentials EP2050 is highly recommended.
For noise and isolation looks like a Niagra 1000 would fir your bill.
Yea, I am thinking this probably would be a nice step up for me, but after all the experimenting, equipment changes, upgrades, etc., over the past 2-3 years I am trying to do my best to minimize spending (if at all possible). Therefore I am thinking that I might need to do a fire sale type thing on extra cables I have accumulated that are not being used at this time... wireworld power cables x2, wireworld USB, wireworld XLR, W4S C2 RCA cables, Kimber Kable 8VS speaker cables, etc. Probably would sell my rarely used Pono Player (black with 200 GB micro SD card) and KEF M500 headphones.... I think that is plenty to finance the power upgrade :).... we will see :D

(I have obviously hung on to far too many cables as "backups")
In my experience the best investment that you can make with power is to have dedicated circuits for your music equipment. Like having your amps running in dedicated circuits. I did so and for $1k imho I got more out of it that any designer cable can provide.

I agree about the dedicated lines, but found that they complement, or enhance, better power cords. Add an excellent power conditioner to a dedicated line, and you are in heaven. :)
So what does one do if they have their components split up => mono's (and subs if they matter) on floor between/behind speakers and the rest of rig (Dac, pre, microU/fiber media converter etc) on side wall? Certainly couldn't afford "2" identical power items?
Well I decided to try a AQ Niagara 1000. I am just trying to get everything as good as I can afford :).

Thanks for all the good input!
Thank you... I am looking forward to it!

Make sure you talk with Mike when you make your decision.