Grounding options?


New member
Apr 7, 2018
I noticed the Lumin X1 has a grounding connection, but I don't have something to ground it to (at least as far as I'm aware). My power line conditioner doesn't have anything.

Are there any reasonably priced yet effective options for grounding the X1 (as-in, doesn't say Nordost or Synergistic on the front)?
I noticed the Lumin X1 has a grounding connection, but I don't have something to ground it to (at least as far as I'm aware). My power line conditioner doesn't have anything.

Are there any reasonably priced yet effective options for grounding the X1 (as-in, doesn't say Nordost or Synergistic on the front)?

Yes. If you buy a Shunyata V16 power distributor (or models higher in the product line), there is a very effective chassis ground plane noise reduction system known as "GP-NR" built into the V16. You can run a Shunyta ground cable from the ground terminal on your X1 to the ground post on the V16.

It features two independent noise reduction isolation zones, each with an eight outlet array. This allows for partitioning between source or application use. For example, you can use Zone A for digital and Zone B for analog in a home audio system or, Zone A for home theatre/video and Zone B for audio equipment.

So, you get three functionalities and products in one: power distribution for all your components from a 1st-class power distributor that does not impact DTCD (dynamic transient current delivery), 2) 26 dB of noise reduction, zone to zone, for your components, 3) a chassis grounding system, GP-NR, that also reduces another class of noise, hum or buzz that rides on components' ground planes.

And, for $500 less than the 1-terminal Nordost grounding system.
I connected the Lumin X1 and the power supply with a ground cable and then to that I connected it to a Russ Andrews grounding unit.
