
New member
Nov 9, 2013
Eastern Shore, MD
OK guys; well...usually, I don't post such things, until I'm actually unpacking the box. There is just no sense, tempting the audiophile gods.

But these beauties, have been on the freight-truck for a few days; and are supposed to arrive I think I'm safe.

PMC guys will tell's like getting married, lol. Lots of good women in the world; but when you settle down on a pair of these, you kinda have to be in it...for the "long" haul (long, being wholly subjective

Congratulations! PMC speakers are world class and the Twenty 26's are beauties! Let us know how it goes as you break them in.
Sounds like a nice trade up. According to the reviews I read a little "warmer." Might be more of a voicing match with the IDA-16 and less difficult to drive than the Ref 1.
Sounds like a nice trade up. According to the reviews I read a little "warmer." Might be more of a voicing match with the IDA-16 and less difficult to drive than the Ref 1.

Jack...the IDA-16 is a nice, little unit; but it doesn't go in the main room brother ;)
Understand, just thought it might be a fairer test with it than the Ref 1's to see what it was capable of with a "higher end speaker". Looking at their measurements from the the CNRC would indicate that the combination of their low efficiency and long period below 4 ohms under 500hz would make the Ref 1's a bitch to drive for many amps. Anyway interested in your opinion of their "voicing" compared to the Fact series.
Understand, just thought it might be a fairer test with it than the Ref 1's to see what it was capable of with a "higher end speaker". Looking at their measurements from the the CNRC would indicate that the combination of their low efficiency and long period below 4 ohms under 500hz would make the Ref 1's a bitch to drive for many amps. Anyway interested in your opinion of their "voicing" compared to the Fact series.

Jack...the IDA-16 was never on the Ref 1s either. I started out, with it on the ScanSonic MB-1s. Liked the DAC...liked the pre; but the amp section left me a little flat. I used it as DAC/pre, to a pair of mAMPS...and that confirmed how solid the front-end was.

I set it aside, for possible sale...and in the meantime; I picked up a pair of Dynaudio X14s. I threw it back in, and it paired much better...than with the ScanSonic. I'm not sure the ScanSonic are my cup of tea; so maybe I judged the IDA-16, with it, unfairly.

Much as I like still has to go. I've got a SOtM sDP-1000 to drive the mAMPS; and I like that combo very much.

Wanna take the NuPrime off my hands? :thumbsup:
Congrats Chris, can't wait to read your reaction to them. It's no secret I love what PMC does. I think you've got a real winner there. No speaker is all things to all people, but PMC ticks all my boxes and they make a hell of a good speaker. They look good too IMO...

I am going to try it's little brother for fun, but am seriously considering picking up the DAC-10 to run with the mAMPS in the system I am converting from a HT I never use. But if the IDA-8 works in that system may try the DAC-10 in place of the W4S DAC-2 in the main system. Who knows how it will end up.

I am going to try it's little brother for fun, but am seriously considering picking up the DAC-10 to run with the mAMPS in the system I am converting from a HT I never use. But if the IDA-8 works in that system may try the DAC-10 in place of the W4S DAC-2 in the main system. Who knows how it will end up.

IDK Jack; when is the IDA-8 supposed to drop? Still not even, on the NuPrime website.

Mark told me June 20th, but earlier Jason had said this week and then that was changed. The DAC-10 was supposed to be before Christmas but ended up closer to the end of January.
OK guys; well...usually, I don't post such things, until I'm actually unpacking the box. There is just no sense, tempting the audiophile gods.

But these beauties, have been on the freight-truck for a few days; and are supposed to arrive I think I'm safe.

Sh*t; delivery delayed, until Thursday. Me and my big mou...hands.
Congrats Chris on your 26's :congrats: What finish did you decide on?

I'm considering a pair of Fact 8's and I would probably choose the walnut.

May I ask why you picked the 26's over the 8's? price is not that much of a difference.....?
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Congrats Chris on your 26's :congrats: What finish did you decide on?

I'm considering a pair of Fact 8's and I would probably choose the walnut.

May I ask why you picked the 26's over the 8's? price is not that much of a difference.....?

Thanks; I got the Walnut as well.

I had FACT 3s...and wanted a 3-way; famous PMC mid-driver and all (and I'm a former owner, of the OB1i). So for me, it was either 20-26 or FACT 12s :disbelief:

Couldn't quite swing those for now; maybe if I ever you mind my asking what the damage is on a pair of 26s?
