X350.8 or X260.8?


New member
Oct 13, 2021
Has anyone compared the 350.8 (or 250.8) to the 260.8 monos on Magnepans?
On Maggie’s, no, but we’ve had both in the store. I prefer the 260.8 monos on pretty much every speaker.

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I own a set of 260.8s. I’ve never tried them with Maggie’s, but have them connected to Magico A3s at present.

The 260.8s are great Hi-FI amps. They get warm, but not hot. They do everything well IMO. Are there some better amps out there - yes - but the Pass for me personally is very special. Nelson Pass is a genius and his decades of experience are demonstrated in the entire Pass line.

Mike at Suncoast Audio sold me my set.
another X260.8 user here as well. While I have never put my current monos up against a pair of Maggies I did have a Threshold S/500 driving my Maggie 3.6's at the time(mid eighties) superbly.

I have no doubt either the X350.8 or the X260.8 monos will do you well on your Maggies .......
Calvin and Mikado, Thanks 🙏
Yes I’m sure there are SLIGHTLY better amps out there, at a MUCH higher price 🙄
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I haven't heard the XA60s, but they would run "hot" as compared to the 260.8s which only run "warm". The 260s put out 34 watts of Class A (into 8 ohms) before going into Class A/B. The 60s put out at least 60 watts continuously of Class A (but they are under rated).

IMO, the 60s would easily out do - sound bigger, more authority, more power, lower harmonic distortion, etc - than the 260s.

Here's a great article by Pass and Class A and A/B.

Pass LabsLeaving Class A - Pass Labs

Not quite related but how do XA60.8 compare with X260.8?
IMO, the 60s would easily out do - sound bigger, more authority, more power, lower harmonic distortion, etc - than the 260s.
Depends on which speakers you have 🤔
Pass recommends the X260.8 for my Maggie 3.7’s (86db) The 60.8’s do not have enough power I was told.
Depends on which speakers you have 🤔
Pass recommends the X260.8 for my Maggie 3.7’s (86db) The 60.8’s do not have enough power I was told.

Sorry for any confusion. As I previously stated, I don’t know about the Maggie’s + Pass. I wasn’t suggesting the 60’s for your system, rather I was attempting to answer pdxaudio’s question to the best of my ability.
Unless I’m mistaken, John Atkinson benched the XA60.8’s at closer to 120 watts/channel. We have them in the store and they are sleeping giants. They are small enough, that the heat is manageable. The are powerful enough to drive pretty much any speaker we have in any of the rooms.

I have found that the 60’s/160’s are cut from the same cloth sonically speaking and they 100 is just a little different. A little more neutral. But subtle.

If I’m even slightly concerned about the power/heat, I think the 260.8’s are a blue chip decision. But the XA60.8’s are a truly exceptional amp with very little downsides (except availability). Pass is running close to 3 months these days. But so is nearly everyone else.

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Thanks for the replies, good information from that Pass article. This would be for the Magico A5 speakers, low listening levels most of the time and I am somewhat concerned about the heat.
I have Pass 260.8s with Magico A3. They are heavenly. More than enough power, etc. For me personally, living in FL I like the 260s over any pure Class A amp, which run much warmer to hot and even very hot IMO…. If I lived up north a little I would probably change my view ..

Thanks for the replies, good information from that Pass article. This would be for the Magico A5 speakers, low listening levels most of the time and I am somewhat concerned about the heat.