Review: Pass XP-22 & XP-27


Active member
Jul 6, 2013
TAS May/June 2021 (Issue 316) has a review of the XP-22 and XP-27 by Andrew Quint. The link is not yet available.

"The Pass Labs XP-22 and XP-27 represent the zenith of what's currently possible with line stage and phono stage performance."
Sarcasm alert ...

I just finished reading that review. While a good article, I was surprised to learn that Mr. Quint's unit included a headphone jack. My XP-22 does not.
May/June 2021 (Issue 316) has a review of the XP-22 and XP-27 by Andrew Quint. The link is not yet available.

"The Pass Labs XP-22 and XP-27 represent the zenith of what's currently possible with line stage and phono stage performance."

May/June 2021 issue of what?
While initially excited to read the review, it didn’t really get much out of it. Was pretty bland IMHO.

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While initially excited to read the review, it didn’t really get much out of it. Was pretty bland IMHO.

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In all honesty, I agree. Pleased that he liked both pieces but it was a bit flat.
Felt the same regarding John Atkinsons review about the XP-32. Very interesting to hear that he doesn’t even use a preamp in his system....which I particularly noteworthy since the same John Atkinson said a couple of year ago in the review of the predecessor the XP-30 that he feels that a preamp is the heart of a Hi-Fi system. ... sometimes I just don’t get it...