Pass XA25

This again proves how important it is to demo gear and especially demo it in your own system.
This again proves how important it is to demo gear and especially demo it in your own system.

... or ask for a pic of the setup in the room. The reason I mention this is if it was a room of harsh reflections, it could make anything sound like shite....
Thank you for the link.

You can certainly use the XA25 direct. It’s a personal preference if you like what you hear or not. You will not hurt the amp but the sound will be a little sharper, cleaner and more detailed dac direct. Some prefer it that way, most don’t and want a preamp in the chain. A preamp will soften the sound a little but mainly add musicality. No right or wrong.
I have placed order on the NAD M22 V2. I want to ask if anyone has problem with the XA25 so far? 'Cause I'm going to place order on the XA25 soon. The only thing make me hesitate is my friend who was the technician told me that he fixed 2 XA25s for his customers and they got the same problem.
Not sure how to describe what he told me in English. According to my friend, the issues of the 2 XA25s he fixed both related to the bias. He told me that issue was no big deal because he fixed many hi-end and ultra hi-end amps and some of those can be defective.
what was wrong with the xa25 `s ?
My first impression on the XA25 and Tannoy Kensington GRs combo was the overall sound was real, especially the vocal and the air around the singers' voice/instruments were refined. However, the XA25 takes around 30-60 mins to be at its best.


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Unfortunately all Pass and First Watt amps take up to an hour to sound their best. But the amps sound wonderful.
I just ordered an XA25. I have been using my Oppo 205 as a source with no preamp. Existing amps are Pass DIY monoblock 7wpc, Class A. Speakers
are rated 94 sensitivity. I do not think the "No preamp" option will work with the new XA25/Oppo 205.
Any suggestions for a "musical" used tube preamp solution?
$3k max.
Welcome to the forum

I just ordered an XA25. I have been using my Oppo 205 as a source with no preamp. Existing amps are Pass DIY monoblock 7wpc, Class A. Speakers
are rated 94 sensitivity. I do not think the "No preamp" option will work with the new XA25/Oppo 205.
Any suggestions for a "musical" used tube preamp solution?
$3k max.
Unfortunately all Pass and First Watt amps take up to an hour to sound their best. But the amps sound wonderful.

I agree and at times it actually may take longer than one hour. So, I turn mine on and then go out for a walk. An hour or so later I come back to a glorious sound. The wait is definitely worth it.
We just got one in for inventory/stock. Ordered in August!!

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I have a used xa25 enroute. I am currently using a Parasound A21 with my Macintosh c2300 tube preamp. Looking forward to it's arrival. This will be my first Pass labs amp. I will be driving a pair of Snell JIV's that I restored that are 95db sensitivity. I listen to LOTS of vinyl.I am hoping this combo will satisfy my latest upgrade 'bug'