Pass Labs Int-60 gain setting jumper


New member
Nov 20, 2017

According to Stereophile review of the Pass INT-60, there should be a jumper setting to increase gain from 29dB to 35dB. Can anybody point out where this jumper is located on the PCB? Is there any negative effect to the sound quality if gain were set to 35 dB instead of the default 29dB ?


Interesting question. I own one and have never heard of the feature.

What’s the benefit, should it play louder at the 35 db setting?

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Pass Labs is very responsive to questions of this nature. I suspect this modification lowers the input sensitivity required to produce full output, but that's only a guess.
If you raise the gain on the INT-60 you will decrease the volume control travel on sources with higher than normal output level especially if using the Balanced inputs.
The mono blocks has the same jumper for the same reason. I once had it set to the higher gain to achieve a higher volume play back at the same volume setting. Now I have it back. The higher gain setting can also increase noise.
Thanks everyone for chipping in.
Kent English told me there are 2 jumpers per channel need to be placed in such away that each jumper bridges two header pins. However he also mentioned this (quote): the INT-60 is generally best with the volume control advanced to a rather high step.. Upping the gain and then turning the volume control down may not bring any sonic gains to the table.




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