The New Pass Int-25


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Just released and seen in passive display, the single-ended only Pass Int-25 ($7250) combines an XA-25 with a simplified Int-60 front end. The Int-25 has three inputs, all single-ended.





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Might make a nice bedroom system. I was going to also say work system, but I always had to use headphones at work. :)
The XA25 is capable of putting as much as 50Wpc class-A (or 100Wpc class-AB) into a 2 ohm load so any reasonable speaker will do. The XA25 is a superb amp and any speaker you'd pair with a 25/50wpc tube amp will be great on the XA25 or INT25.
yes i saw a first watt m2 today in a store , very interested in how folks get on with this amp . although it only has a few inputs
First evening listening ...




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ah fantastic , soundrebels . not had much response in UK to thoughts on this amp . its pretty light in weight compared to some of the pass integrated . Nice to see the size of it compared to the bottles . keep us posted as it breaks in . i recently sold my lovely msb s200 so sometime next year will be looking at a replacement integrated
For now first impression - don't even try to listen this small Pass during first hour after wake up from stand-by. The sound is dull, grey and irritating
Like most, if not all, Pass/First Watt amps, they need a good hour or more to wake up and open up. My SIT-3 takes a little longer but once there, OMG it's superb!
Joe - do you warm up your SIT-3 with music streaming, or can you just turn it on for an hour? Thanks - Scotty
Hi Scotty,

Do you mean if I am only listening for an hour?

It's sort of ok for the first hour, more listenable after about 20 minutes and wonderful after an hour or more. Once my amps are on, they are usually on for 8-12 hours.

Joe - do you warm up your SIT-3 with music streaming, or can you just turn it on for an hour? Thanks - Scotty
Joe - Before listening and while warming up the amp, do you stream music at low volume, or do you just turn on the amp (without streaming music) for the warmup period.....(and wondering if that is good for the amp)