Help with removing top cover off Oppo BDP-83se...


Active member
Apr 10, 2013
Hi gents,

I want to open my 83-se up to try to clean the laser mechanism with a cotton swab and alcohol. My unit is no longer reading any discs, so I figured I would give this a try. I have maybe watched 20 movies on this machine since buying it some 5 years ago, so kind of disappointed that this has happened.

Anyway, I have taken all the screws out of the back and sides that affix the top cover to the main chassis and I can lift the cover from the back and sides but can't separate it from where the top cover meets the front side of the unit. I am afraid if I continue to lift it up it will break some because it almost seems like there are some pins that connect the top cover to that front side although peering under the cover from the back I can't see any pins or release mechanism.

Has anyone done this and is there a simple thing I need to be doing that I am just overlooking?? Manual does not have instructions on how to remove cover. I am sure I am being thick and overlooking something really simple but would appreciate any help. Thanks,

Try a Google. I could not figure out how to get the cover off my Dell desktop, and there is a YouTube video showing how to do it. LOL.

I hate too clever mechanical engineers. :)
Bud...I did a Google search and a YouTube search. Couldn't find anything. Thx though :thumbsup:
I figured it out. You do just keep on lifting the cover from the back and it basically comes out. Unfortunately, when I took the cover off the transport mechanism had a cover which was tricky to remove to get to the laser lens and deciding that I don't want to screw with it anymore, I think I'll send this sucker back to Oppo so they can just replace the entire transport mechanism. Ah well.
Bad Vibrations

Hey CMalak:
Did you notice that the transport mechanism on the OPPO BDP-83 SE is conspicuously noisy? I ask because I just took delivery of a used unit from a reputable Audiogon member and when I play a blu-ray with the volume down the sound of the transport whirring is well into annoying territory. I expect that with quieter films that are dialogue focused the sound of my OPPO 83 SE is going to drive me bananas. I've read online that universal players are generally noisy and that blu-ray transports make more racket than Redbook or DVD (because the mechanism is busier). But I am very disappointed. What is your experience in this regard?

I figured it out. You do just keep on lifting the cover from the back and it basically comes out. Unfortunately, when I took the cover off the transport mechanism had a cover which was tricky to remove to get to the laser lens and deciding that I don't want to screw with it anymore, I think I'll send this sucker back to Oppo so they can just replace the entire transport mechanism. Ah well.
Hi there. Just saw this. My transport mechanism has been on the fritz for about a year. I never played music via the Oppo just watched movies, so I have hardly ever used it. I called them and I will be sending back my unit for them to replace the transport unit. When it was working, I don't remember it being overly noisy but perhaps it was and my expectations were low. I'll let you know what it sounds like with the new transport mechanism installed. I am sending it out next week.