Bummed - OPPO dropping Youtube support


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
I just emailed them for an official answer, but I got a message on my 93s that OPPO is dropping support for Youtube.

Along with playing disks, I specifically purchased 2 93s for streaming Pandora and Youtube, but now it appears that I am Youscrewed.

I don't stream Youtube for PQ or SQ, but for musical and concert enjoyment.

I guess I now have to purchase a cheapo player just for Youtube, nice going OPPO!
I hope Oppo doesn't drop support for YouTube and Netflix for all of their older players. I use my 105D for both and 103 for Pandora. I sent back a 203 and won't purchase a 205 since they don't stream.
Brian.......Spend $50.00 on a Roku USB Stick and you'll be back in business. https://www.roku.com/index

Yeah, gonna need a new TV for that, I only have a single HDMI port on my original XBR2. It won't die after 20 years so I can't justify a new one quite yet, but this may help.
The GUI of the Oppo cannot compare to that of Roku or other voice-activated devices. Either Roku or Amazon Fire Stick will do what you want and allow you to access the material faster. Btw, I have an Oppo 105, a Roku, and Amazon Fire Stick. So I am basing this on my experience.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Here is the official answer from OPPO....I really dislike when a manufacturer sells you a product with a feature and then fails to support that feature after you buy it.


YouTube is switching from Application based to HTML-5 based streaming, and the BDP-9x platform does not support HTML-5 instructions. So you will not longer be able to access YouTube with this generation of player.

Best Regards,

Customer Service
OPPO Digital, Inc.
Shadowfax, I don't think that Oppo has done anything wrong. Technology changes and advances rapidly. I have an old iPad that works perfectly but it is useless because it can no longer run most Apps. That's because it cannot run Apple's new iOS. Digital stuff changes constantly. Time to bite the bullet.