Why don't I see Naim on Stereophile or The Absolute Sound lists of great gear?


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
I miss my Supernait2 and would love to hear the new NAP300DR and either matching preamp or the new NAC272 server/dac/preamp, but reviews are few and far between.

Naim gets praise at the trade shows, but no love from the forums except the Naim forum.

Anyone here now have Naim? Thoughts?
It is one of my fav brands - I like the sound, looks, reliability, brand image, history, people behind the brand.

I have the UnityQute 2 all-in-one system in my living room and I love it. My mom has the Unity 2. At least 10 of my non-audiophile friends bought various Naim systems on my recommendation (mostly Unity and Muso lines).
Only in the last couple of years has Naim advertised in those magazines. If you don't advertise, you don't get reviews.

This statement has been proven to be untrue so many times and yet it keeps appearing as regularly as Bigfoot sightings.
its a brand that requires more of the turn key system approach like a spectral or shindo. that probably makes it more of a niche product imo
Bigfoot isn't real? Oh no....

I plan on giving the new DR series gear another look. I do realize that matching Naim gear to certain speakers works better than others. I say this from my limited experience. I do miss the PRAT, for lack of a better expression, of my Supernait2 that I wonder how it would match with my JBL's and Klipsch speakers.
In case no one has noticed, NAIM has advertised in Stereophile. I think they have been advertising their new mega-expensive and huge amps.
I agree. They absolutely are now days. They also have RCA along with their DIN plugs which makes them a lot easier to use with other equipment.
I miss my Supernait2 and would love to hear the new NAP300DR and either matching preamp or the new NAC272 server/dac/preamp, but reviews are few and far between.

Naim gets praise at the trade shows, but no love from the forums except the Naim forum.

Anyone here now have Naim? Thoughts?

lots and lots of love for naim on pink fish media which is extremely busy . especially the off topic section !
I like Naim, I 'get it' but I can see why its failed to gain traction on this side of the pond. its idiosyncratic nature for one, I've owned Naim since the chrome bumper series and you were pretty much stuck using other Naim gear (preamp run off their power amps and funky DIN connecting cables) you're land locked using Naim and dealers here didn't want to deal with that.

That said it has a following in the US albeit small, usually used in an all-Naim system or sold with Linn 'table and harbeth/Spendor/ProAc speakers, etc.
Naim is very popular here.
My dealer admits they're happy they carry the line, because in these tough years for hifi, it brought them a lot of new clients.

I like their Mu-so line. Very good sound for a small kitchen or office system, rich in features.

I've heard all their separates and integrated systems, and I find them a touch on the cold side.
The Sonus Faber Aida sounded noticeably better to me on a friend's Burmester system, than on a full Statement system.
Kef Reference 5s were much more agreeable with a T+A source than a Naim.
And I can give you more examples.
But I imagine a lot of audiophiles might like the rather analytical dry-ish but very clear sound.
I liked Naim each time I heard them, I wouldn't mind using Naim but circumstances just hasn't worked out that way yet.

One listen was one of the integrated amps driving a set of Totem Hawks, the imaging was unreal. I'd bet Naim would sound good with the 4367's, I'd love to hear that.

I would agree Naim is probably more neutral in comparison to some of the warmer solid state but I find it to have better PRAT with warmer shadings than the likes of a Krell or D'Agostino or similar.
My thoughts on Naim with our JBLs, is that the Naim might be a little bit too "heavy" especially for the bass. Otherwise I think it would be great. Certainly for the horn section it could be spectacular. I guess depending on model Naim, some might be better suited for the 4367s than others.

I liked Naim each time I heard them, I wouldn't mind using Naim but circumstances just hasn't worked out that way yet.

One listen was one of the integrated amps driving a set of Totem Hawks, the imaging was unreal. I'd bet Naim would sound good with the 4367's, I'd love to hear that.

I would agree Naim is probably more neutral in comparison to some of the warmer solid state but I find it to have better PRAT with warmer shadings than the likes of a Krell or D'Agostino or similar.
Naim is very high current I wouldn't think the bass to be too much. You never know though.

My thoughts on Naim with our JBLs, is that the Naim might be a little bit too "heavy" especially for the bass. Otherwise I think it would be great. Certainly for the horn section it could be spectacular. I guess depending on model Naim, some might be better suited for the 4367s than others.
I agree about the current but often see Naim paired with speakers like Focal which benefit from that little extra fullness of Naim. McIntosh and Focal is popular too.

I loved and miss my SuperNait2 and often think about moving up the line. I talk to my friend every day who bought my Naim and power supply. He loves it so that doesn't help me forget about it. :)

I am NAP300DR curious with matching preamp but that ship may have sailed.

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Naim is all about PRAT. They seem to have a strategic alliance with Focal..even here in Europe.
Anyone here now have Naim? Thoughts?

I have the CD555/PSU and it surpasses the previous CDPlayer systems I've owned namely

Jadis JD1/JS2II

CEC TLO/Audio Note Dac5 and 4:1xBal

Sondek CD12

And it was not subtle --the Naim is another ballpark near SOTA for 16bit/44kHz Playback.

Sadly discontinued
