NAIM Uniti Nova


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL


Driving the A3’s with ease.

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Very nice Mike !

Naim Uniti products are stunning.
In my bedroom, I replaced a full system with an Ayre AX7 e integrated amp, Meridian dac and so on.... with a first gen fully checked Naim Uniti. The sound on the tough to drive Rega RS10 speakers is just incredible. The timbres are probably not the most refined on the market, but they are very good and the famous exciting PRaT of Naim is all there and makes you think that you are listening to a 300W power amp.
And the Uniti does everything : CD player, streamer, all kinds of radios ( internet, FM, DAB), Dac for all the sources including my projector....
And it heats the cat too ! These metal cases get just as warm as necessary to become the best friend of any cat !
I could replace all my systems except the main one ( and I am not so sure about that....) with a Uniti.
The Uniti Star is very attractive too. My all cd collection is on a NAS but I rediscovered the pleasure to spin a CD lately.

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I recently sold off all my gear in a second system and got to the point where I had nothing to drive my Q3's with while I waited for the replacement Cavalry to show up. I did however have a Nova firing up my desktop Clairaudient speakers (which have gone for an upgrade to Audience) so I hooked that up. Colour me astonished.... the Nova sounds fantastic. Saturated images, great pace and excellent bass. As Naim does, the unit sacrifices deep digging into the details of the performance and is more focussed on flow and a holistic representation of the music. For my tastes, it beat the hell out of the sterile-sounding CH system that preceded it ....with 80W/ch. A versatile keeper
Naim is VERY musical. I would love to hear their higher end systems, but it gets tweaky for the best sound.
So 80 watts (8 Ohms) is enough for the A3s? I know they are 4 Ohms.

Absolutely. I don’t think NAIM watts and Aavik watts are the same thing. [emoji6]

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