Naim ND 555 dac? Anyone own or heard it yet?


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013

With my appreciation for Naim Audio, I’m intrigued by the new ND555 dac.

Have you heard it? Do you own one? I’d like your opinions.

With the price approaching MSB territory and eclipsing Chord and Lampizator pricing for the most part, how do you think it compares?

I’m drawn to the ND555 for some reason but don’t know what to think. The Naim forum seems to show lots of love for the product but I get the feeling that the ND555 is like most Naim gear, a little tweaky needing proper care and feeding to get the most out of it.

My speakers, amps and preamps are sorted out. Now I’m thinking about dacs. I’m generally very happy with my Bricasti M1SE but can’t help but think about its eventual replacement.

I have not demoed it yet.
In case you didn't know, Martin Colloms has just reviewed it for HiFi Critic. A rave review. One of highest scoring DACs ever.
In case you didn't know, Martin Colloms has just reviewed it for HiFi Critic. A rave review. One of highest scoring DACs ever.

Yep, they put it in their 'Audio Excellence' shortlist.
What surprises me is they achieve these results with old DAC chips.
I briefly had a Naim CD player in my system a couple of years ago. It was very musical.
I own the ND555. Remember, it requires an external power supply as well. The 555 power supply...factor that in.

I'd refer to it as a streamer, or streamer/player; it's got a lot more than dac functionality built in. I have it connected via ethernet to my home network that has a Roon Nucleus as server, and a QNAP nas to store the music. (The QNAP also runs Asset server but I never use it; I prefer Roon's UI.)

I find the ND555 highly musical. I don't get into 'analog sounding digital' jargon; it's easier for me to simply say it sounds very very musical. My entire system is Naim (save for a Rega tt) and of course that colored my reasons for getting the ND555. After I've finished playing the RP-8, the ND555 certainly does not sound "digital" in any derogatory way!

I am sure it's a wonderful dac. I still love my Supernait2. I really wanted to go up in the line, but when I got my Avantgarde speakers, my whole amp choices changed. I'm actually thinking of getting a small pair of speakers for my Supernait2 just to keep in in service.

I bet the ND555 is wonderful.

I own the ND555. Remember, it requires an external power supply as well. The 555 power supply...factor that in.

I'd refer to it as a streamer, or streamer/player; it's got a lot more than dac functionality built in. I have it connected via ethernet to my home network that has a Roon Nucleus as server, and a QNAP nas to store the music. (The QNAP also runs Asset server but I never use it; I prefer Roon's UI.)

I find the ND555 highly musical. I don't get into 'analog sounding digital' jargon; it's easier for me to simply say it sounds very very musical. My entire system is Naim (save for a Rega tt) and of course that colored my reasons for getting the ND555. After I've finished playing the RP-8, the ND555 certainly does not sound "digital" in any derogatory way!
Joe I started with the Nait XS, moved quickly to the Supernait 2, and had that for about 6 years. I had the Naim NDS streamer/player for a few years, and my dealer give me a super deal to trade that in towards the ND555 when first released. That then got me thinking . . . and I moved up to the 252/SupercapDR/300DR. Many more Naim black boxes, but we've been THRILLED with the audio performance. The Supernait2 is a lovely integrated amp, but I do hear what this much more $ buys with Naim.

I still have the original speakers I paired with the NaitXS - Devore The Nines, but have Magico A3's on order and they should arrive in May. I got to listen to them in my home, and we enjoyed them. They seemed to keep the lovely midrange that I really like about the Devores, but definitely way more punch in the bass. And they do not get "shouty" at ALL in my very (far too) lively room.
Wow! That’s great. I absolutely had planned on moving up the Naim line but I ended up taking a detour. I love the meaty, beautiful midrange, tone and prat that Naim offers. It does get expensive but probably no more so than other typical high end gear.

I’m not ready to make the investment yet but I absolutely still think the ND555 is top one or two on my list.