Full NAIM system

True, I have not done side by side comparisons either, and I certainly do not mean to put down the new streamers at all, they should indeed be better, after all, my Uniti is going on nine(?) years old with only the digital board upgrade and whatever the most current software version it can possibly have. Yet I am still in love with the darn thing, just makes great music.

Even connected up to my Duevel Venus, it shocks me actually at times, at just how good it does sound streaming Tidal, Linn Radio or RP. Hopefully it will continue to go for another several years!

Bart, what is your Uniti2 used with system wise?
My Qute2 is part of a very small system - a NAP100 external power amp, and an Allo Digi-One raspberry pi-based interface so that I can use Roon to stream to it. And Dynaudio X12 small speakers on Dynaudio stands. That's is!
Makes for a nice, simple, tidy setup! I think that is the other main reason I like it so much, no fuss, cabling nightmare that my full active setup was years ago.
I am going to be listening to a Nait XS3 and ND5XS2 sometime next week. I am curious what the uplift it may bring compared to my single box Uniti 1. Should be fun!
I am going to be listening to a Nait XS3 and ND5XS2 sometime next week. I am curious what the uplift it may bring compared to my single box Uniti 1. Should be fun!

Looking forward to your thoughts. I’m curious what improvements you hear.
Thanks Joe, will do. My Uniti is getting a bit long in the tooth as they say, still works great. I have been considering it’s replacement for about six months or so, and not wanting to go to the new Uniti, this seemed to be the best solution, even if it is two boxes. Gives me more flexibility, and it is actually a cheaper solution versus say Star or Nova. At least the amp will last forever for the most part, and the streaming part can be updated independently. Will see how it goes! My days of the higher spend is over, so here we go!
I totally agree with your reasoning, makes perfect sense. If I wasn’t so fickle in the past, I could have seen a full Naim system in my room. My Supernait 2 is wonderful. I can only imagine how wonderful it gets the higher up we go.
Yes, I am playing at the lower end of the Naim food chain here, but strangely enough, very satisfied/content that it really is very much good enough.

I am done playing at that upper end of anything these days, and find I am actually “listening” to the music more, and not thinking about the next upgrade or where I am headed. It is a nice feeling, and place to be.

I say all this with some past context, several years back my Naim system comprised of top spec Linn LP12, Naim CDS2, Nat02 tuner, NAC82-was headed towards 52, Supercap, Supercap, Snaxo 2-4, pair of Nap250’s and of course, active SBL’s. All olive series. All on three Audiophile BASE racks.

In all honesty, yes it sounded wonderful, fantastic, as well as it should have for the outlay. But really, I enjoyed my music no more than I did when I had my simple Nait2 and CDI and Kans to be honest. After a divorce, I sold it all off, took a few years to reset and reassess what was important. Hence, I bought my Uniti 1 and have lived with that, it was my main amp/source for well over six years, until my other system came in. But now with retirement looming possibly fairly soon, I am once again looking for that simplicity, yet updating the streamer end seemed like a somewhat necessity.

Probably my main system will be sold at some point, and the Nait XS3/ND5XS2 will become it. I may rethink speakers at some point, I really love the Duevel Venus though, and they work well on my current Uniti, will see in due time. May be my last little quest here. Tim
I have a friend who after both of us going through some Burmester and DarTZeel gear, found Naim. I got him a Supernait 2 and Teddy Pardo power supply. He’s going on 6-7 years with that system which includes a Berkeley dac and Bel Canto spinner. He’s more satisfied now than ever with nightly multiple hour listening sessions.
This audio thing can be funny for sure. Being in this “hobby” since mid 70’s, I ventured into Naimland in 1983 and really haven’t gotten completely away from it. Of course it has been a journey, the hill now somewhat crested, and coming back to more comfortable place.

i love my German system, but I find that when the simple Uniti and Venus are slotted in, it just sucks me in and I am just more content. It makes me listen in a totally different way, and I just enjoy it more. We will see if the XS series does the same for me, I am hopeful, as it will be a great stopping off point. Maybe the train has pulled into the station!

it is nice you have been able to turn more people on to Naim, like your friend. If they get what Naim is about and like it, it certainly can be a lifetime thing, a long love affair. It has been for me. Probably the tough part is not just being sucked into the huge upgrade path, which is nice, but not necessarily needed. Staying off the Naim forum can help with that! Haha! Be well Joe!

All great points. Please keep the updates coming.

Thank you very much.
I have a friend who after both of us going through some Burmester and DarTZeel gear, found Naim. I got him a Supernait 2 and Teddy Pardo power supply. He’s going on 6-7 years with that system which includes a Berkeley dac and Bel Canto spinner. He’s more satisfied now than ever with nightly multiple hour listening sessions.

Joe, what speakers does your friend with the SN2 use?
Joe, what speakers does your friend with the SN2 use?

He has Infinity Kappa 8. They are a little difficult to drive, but as long as he’s judicious with the volume control in the hottest summer months, he loves the combo.
I agree

There is something special about the Naim sound. I tell people that the entry Naim is 99.9% just as musical and there top of the line. As you go up the line, you get the hifi things and they are great, but they really aren't more musical.

Yes, I am playing at the lower end of the Naim food chain here, but strangely enough, very satisfied/content that it really is very much good enough.

I am done playing at that upper end of anything these days, and find I am actually “listening” to the music more, and not thinking about the next upgrade or where I am headed. It is a nice feeling, and place to be.

I say all this with some past context, several years back my Naim system comprised of top spec Linn LP12, Naim CDS2, Nat02 tuner, NAC82-was headed towards 52, Supercap, Supercap, Snaxo 2-4, pair of Nap250’s and of course, active SBL’s. All olive series. All on three Audiophile BASE racks.

In all honesty, yes it sounded wonderful, fantastic, as well as it should have for the outlay. But really, I enjoyed my music no more than I did when I had my simple Nait2 and CDI and Kans to be honest. After a divorce, I sold it all off, took a few years to reset and reassess what was important. Hence, I bought my Uniti 1 and have lived with that, it was my main amp/source for well over six years, until my other system came in. But now with retirement looming possibly fairly soon, I am once again looking for that simplicity, yet updating the streamer end seemed like a somewhat necessity.

Probably my main system will be sold at some point, and the Nait XS3/ND5XS2 will become it. I may rethink speakers at some point, I really love the Duevel Venus though, and they work well on my current Uniti, will see in due time. May be my last little quest here. Tim
I received the Nait XS3/ND5 XS2 this morning and got them all set up. The new streamer was absolutely simplistic to get set up, almost laughingly so, compared to my original Uniti. I even managed to update firmware and install my trial Qobuz, all without a single swear word! Amazing!

Now we just play music for a good while and let things do what they do, and put a more critical(Haha)to it all much later. My poor Uniti now looks on forlornly from the side. What a great run it has had, but there is still more life left in ya!

More at some point later, and a huge shout out to Tyler at Next Level for making it all happen!
Well, things are running in nicely thus far, must say, the Duevel Venus sounding really good on the end of these two little Naim pieces! I realize that they aren’t cheap to buy, but I also feel like they play above the cost of them. Maybe too, it is that I am just so pleased with them!

At some point I will get my Guru Junior Plus speakers out and see how they do as well, which I pretty much have no doubt it will work quite well. Having the hind sight of using them on my Uniti and loving the combo, if anything there should be an up-tick possibly. Strange thing is, I really have no idea what the ceiling is on the Guru, where better gear might make little to no difference here. Anyway, more to come in due time!


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Thanks Joe! It is a work in progress. Since moving from my house and having the more open plan, which is in my signature line pic, I still am thinking about this smaller space a bit more. At least the Venus work well, maybe even better in this space. More work to do though, all in due time!