Nagra Forum is now Open


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
At the request of some of our members, the Nagra Forum is now open.
Well deserved decades of precision engineering deserves its own space. :thumbsup:

Lovely gear. Undoubtedly difficult to find much of that.

Those Class A tube monoblock amps have been around since 1998. It goes to show how much respect the VPAs have.

If I were starting out afresh, certainly Nagra would be in my top 3 long term choices.

Just love the classic laboratory instrumentational look. Oozes precision quality. Lovely. Timeless style.

I think a little of Chords latest design elements are inspired by Nagra.

IMO, even D'Agastino has taken a queue or two from Nagra also.
Much of the gear pictured can still be found easily. The VPA, BPS, and CDP are all current production. The Iv-s tape deck can be found on the bay regularly, though bout $4k now. The portable monitor is very tough to find and the QGB adapter accessory kit (to enable 10.5" reel use on the iv-s) is rare now - often in the $4-5k range.

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Love Nagra gear- had a demo of a PLL long time ago that was quite good except for the jack placement (think ins on one end, outs on the other). Have always wanted VPAs, though worried about heat!

Been researching Nagra phono stages most recently...maybe will finally satisfy my lust, who knows ;)