Nagra ClassicPre

So John, did you end up keeping the amps ? :)

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Still have them, have not made a final decision. I will say these HD amps are amongst the most profound changes to my system I've heard. Everything just sounds real. I can go into details about what I mean by real...just imagine you hear a instrument live...then you hear it in your system...those qualities you hear live are now in your listening room...
No fan in the HD amps Its all convection cooling, they actually are pretty warm down by the heatsink
So John, did you end up keeping the amps ? :)

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I bought em. Honestly, this is the biggest improvement to my system in years. Every recording I listening to i hear things, i gain insights into the music I never heard before. This am I was listening to Mahler, Sym #1 Titan on Reference Recordings. Smokes.

I loved my Classic Amp. This is like going from a Toyota to a Porsche. It's a step change in performance. In every single possible area.

PS, I still have the HD amps sitting on the floor, on 4 cardas wood blocks per amp. I do have a 2nd Grand Prix SilverStone amp stand on the way...I suspect this will another performance gain...
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Wow! Congrats John. Really beautiful amps. Can only imagine how they sound in your system.

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May be this is a stupid question:

I am going to get a NAGRA HD DAC, and I only have digital sources (no vinyl), so I wonder what is the advantage to use a Clasic Pre between a HD DAC and a power amp like the HD AMP (in case we use only digital source, no analog) ?

Indeed, the HD DAC has volume control and therefore can be connected directly to the HD AMP !

Will the system sound better with a HD Pré added in the chain ?
I always prefer a preamp in my system. While a DAC direct seems at first to be a revelation, I quickly tire of the perceived extra detail and resolution. A preamp adds musicality, in my opinion. It smooths out the rough edges and adds a little bloom and air, which I love.
I understand the volume control in the HD DAC is not as good as the Classic or HD Preamp. Like Joe said, a high end preamp always makes the music more musical and easy to listen to.
As I have been lead to beleive the HD dac volume control is active with the RCA output. If you have the optional output transformers for the balanced xlr output and use the xlr it will bypass the volume control.

That said a dedicated preamp usually has an optimized power supply for driving the input of amplifiers. Dacs usually have a multi function power supply for digital and analog sections.
i run the hd dac direct and it sounds very good!
that said, my dealer said with the jazz it sounds a touch with the classic pre it should sound 2 touches better and with the hd pre maybe 3.
if i had the cash i would add a pre