Yes, I was wrong, I may have misunderstood the Nagra People at CES. Sorry. Prices are:

Nagra Classic Integrated: 19,450
Nagra CDP: 15,975
Wilson Sabrina: 15,900

Nagra Classic DAC: 14,995 (optional)

If we consider the Classic DAC optional (since CDP a complete cd player) we have a basic system: CDP + Classic Integrated + Wilson Sabrina: USD 51,325. I don't know prices of Transparent, all I know it was their least expensive model.
Here you have CDT + HD DAC + MPS in my system. Sounding better everyday after 250 hours of break-in. The sound of HD DAC with a borrowed ML 31.5 was also jaw dropping. Amazing how the No. 31.5 cd transport can perform so well with a modern state of the art DAC.



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Carlos, beautiful system.

I recently heard the Nagra CDP + Jazz + Classic driving Verity Audio Parsifal Anniversary speakers. Even with the Classic literally fresh out of the box, the sound was amazing. It was organic and natural sounding, with a transparent, clear yet rich midrange and a low noise floor. The speakers disappeared to leave a huge (especially wrt depth) sound stage - width and height wasn't too shabby either. Altogether, a musical and coherent sound. I now better understand the hype about the Nagra/Verity synergy.

Just prior to that, I was in London attending various opera performances. So, when I heard the Nagra/Verity combo, I was struck by how much it reminded me of what I had heard live, but with more of a I was there rather than they were here perspective, if that makes sense.

Have you compared the Nagra HD Dac with any other leading DACs?
Carlos, beautiful system.

I recently heard the Nagra CDP + Jazz + Classic driving Verity Audio Parsifal Anniversary speakers. Even with the Classic literally fresh out of the box, the sound was amazing. It was organic and natural sounding, with a transparent, clear yet rich midrange and a low noise floor. The speakers disappeared to leave a huge (especially wrt depth) sound stage - width and height wasn't too shabby either. Altogether, a musical and coherent sound. I now better understand the hype about the Nagra/Verity synergy.

Just prior to that, I was in London attending various opera performances. So, when I heard the Nagra/Verity combo, I was struck by how much it reminded me of what I had heard live, but with more of a I was there rather than they were here perspective, if that makes sense.

Have you compared the Nagra HD Dac with any other leading DACs?

I was there seems a better place than they were here ! Seems more like the recordings intent. My Classic amp sounded great out of the box too...gets better with warm up and breakin. Not huge like some things...but you notice it...
Hi jfrech,

have you had the chance to listen to the Nagra Classic INT?
ive heard the Classic amp with a pll and was quite smitten, but for my needs the INT should work the best (less money than pre power classic combination; less cables, etc..)
aprecciate any comment about the Classic INT.
Hi jfrech,

have you had the chance to listen to the Nagra Classic INT?
ive heard the Classic amp with a pll and was quite smitten, but for my needs the INT should work the best (less money than pre power classic combination; less cables, etc..)
aprecciate any comment about the Classic INT.

I have not. However I have heard the Jazz Pre and like it better than my former PLL. I suspect a Classic Int might be better than PLL + Classic amp. Especially if you used the $$'s saved for a little bit better power cord on the Classic Int.

I am hoping to hear 2nd Classic in my system soon, strapped to mono on mine and the demo...
I have not. However I have heard the Jazz Pre and like it better than my former PLL. I suspect a Classic Int might be better than PLL + Classic amp. Especially if you used the $$'s saved for a little bit better power cord on the Classic Int.

I am hoping to hear 2nd Classic in my system soon, strapped to mono on mine and the demo...

That would be awesome! Can only imagine the results with your setup.
As for the INT, it seems that no one has ever listened to it!
It's recent, but I find it odd nevertheless.
Blind buy?:ninja:
That would be awesome! Can only imagine the results with your setup.
As for the INT, it seems that no one has ever listened to it!
It's recent, but I find it odd nevertheless.
Blind buy?:ninja:

I think it's recent and most dealers stock a pre and amp...then order the int. Maybe nagra can send your dealer one on demo...I'd ask
I think it's recent and most dealers stock a pre and amp...then order the int. Maybe nagra can send your dealer one on demo...I'd ask

That's not possible, I'm I took the plunge and order the INT without hearing it.
I think I won't regret it. I've heard the power connected to my dac (controlling the volume with it) without pre in the middle and I loved what I heard, so I think I'll be safe.
The sinergy with my speakers (Avalon) was magnificent.
Best amp I've heard at home by a long shot, this new R&D department of Nagra really hit the spot.
Now have to be patient and wait. The reward awaits me. :)
That's not possible, I'm I took the plunge and order the INT without hearing it.
I think I won't regret it. I've heard the power connected to my dac (controlling the volume with it) without pre in the middle and I loved what I heard, so I think I'll be safe.
The sinergy with my speakers (Avalon) was magnificent.
Best amp I've heard at home by a long shot, this new R&D department of Nagra really hit the spot.
Now have to be patient and wait. The reward awaits me. :)

Congratulations ! Let us know once it arrives !!
Here you have CDT + HD DAC + MPS in my system. Sounding better everyday after 250 hours of break-in. The sound of HD DAC with a borrowed ML 31.5 was also jaw dropping. Amazing how the No. 31.5 cd transport can perform so well with a modern state of the art DAC.


Just to clarify, was the ML31.5 transport significantly better than the Nagra CDT transport? Would it be possible for you share some more thoughts on the major differences between the 2 transports? Which would you say was better rhythmically and in terms of timbres? Would appreciate any feedback you can provide. Many thanks
Just joining in now having really enjoyed your informative posts. Am really enjoying my new classic amp in my full Nagra system. Will most probably add a second classic amp to run in dual mono. I've heard great things about the new preamp and will have to compare to my Jazz
Sorry for my delay. The Nagra CDT is far better than the ML 31.5. This sound incredible given the legend behind the 31.5. When you compare the sizes and circuitry of both units this comment could sound unbelievable but it is the true. There is no doubt that the CDT is a more advanced design. It delivers more harmonic textures, authority and bass control. The CDT renders a wider and deeper sound stage with different layers. It also give a more natural tone and timbre. Seamless coherence in all the spectrum range. The sound also is perceived as "faster" with CDT. As one of my closest friends called it when listened to it for the first time: "Big Little Monster".

I have just sold my beloved 31.5 ML. It doesn't make any sense to keep it longer and has found a better home already. I also sold my EMM Labs TSDX and I'm also seriously considering to sell my CEC TL0X.
Don't hesitate to acquire the new Classic Preamp. It will level up your Nagra system in a way that you will not believe. It is a perfect match for the Classic Amp, far way better then the Jazz.

One of the best preamps I've the privilege to own. Period.
Sorry for my delay. The Nagra CDT is far better than the ML 31.5. This sound incredible given the legend behind the 31.5. When you compare the sizes and circuitry of both units this comment could sound unbelievable but it is the true. There is no doubt that the CDT is a more advanced design. It delivers more harmonic textures, authority and bass control. The CDT renders a wider and deeper sound stage with different layers. It also give a more natural tone and timbre. Seamless coherence in all the spectrum range. The sound also is perceived as "faster" with CDT. As one of my closest friends called it when listened to it for the first time: "Big Little Monster".

I have just sold my beloved 31.5 ML. It doesn't make any sense to keep it longer and has found a better home already. I also sold my EMM Labs TSDX and I'm also seriously considering to sell my CEC TL0X.

Hello Audioholic, many thanks for taking the time provide such detailed feedback. Great setup you have for sure. I suspect Nagra will release a HD preamp next year to match the HD power amp and HD DAC. Happy listening.
Don't hesitate to acquire the new Classic Preamp. It will level up your Nagra system in a way that you will not believe. It is a perfect match for the Classic Amp, far way better then the Jazz.

One of the best preamps I've the privilege to own. Period.

That's saying a LOT about the Classic Preamp. Of course I'd say my Classic amp is one of the best amps I've heard too. I'll get to demo a Classic Preamp and the HD amps in my home few weeks.
That's not possible, I'm I took the plunge and order the INT without hearing it.
I think I won't regret it. I've heard the power connected to my dac (controlling the volume with it) without pre in the middle and I loved what I heard, so I think I'll be safe.
The sinergy with my speakers (Avalon) was magnificent.
Best amp I've heard at home by a long shot, this new R&D department of Nagra really hit the spot.
Now have to be patient and wait. The reward awaits me. :)

Hi bluedoor, any news on the INT, and did it live up to your expectations?