
I want to inquire about some spare parts for Nagra that I have. I have been trying to purchase a Nagra but it has been impossible. I will upload the photos.
Hi - last I heard businesses in the USA are not allowed to conduct business with Cuba. I believe this is still active, but may be mistaken. You'll need to get parts from another country.

United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia

It’s complicated (but mostly true).

That said, the bigger problem is getting things there. UPS, FedEx etc, do not ship there. And posting something in the mail, while possible, if of any value is unlikely to arrive.

Plenty of things get from here to there, but mostly via human transport - ie people flying to Havana being paid to bring things. It’s a very common sort-of gray market service..

Best bet is if you find what you want is you’ll have to pay someone to bring it down with them.