What are you listening to tonight ?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2013
Holly Cole ...Don't smoke in bed.

Paul - you're here! Great to see you! Joe has the magic touch I see! :)

How's those new speakers sounding?



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Mike . I already like this forum. feel like home.;)


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-- Paul and Mike, Hi! :)

Just listening to the r.a.d.i.o. right now (Classical music); exquisitely beautiful, with violins, cellos, and ...

Bob! Glad you're here. Welcome!


Kim Kashkashian...Asturiana: Songs From Spain & Argentina

This is a beautiful recording. It can make you cry.
Patricia Barber - Companion SACD.

Hey Paul, you found the perfect cover album picture size! Youhooouuu! :cool:

* Blogspot.com - Right on! ...I'm going to check Amazon.com as well.


EDIT: I think that I'm going to remain with Allmusic.com
...Because even if my picture is smaller (less bandwidth for the site), by clicking on it it will bring it automatically to the size of that Patricia Barber's - Companion - cover picture album (SACD) from your above post. ...And all that jazz.
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Bob.... I really like your new avatar. would you send me that ? My email is [email protected]

Really? ...I'm not sure but I do believe it is even animated, from my picture's album. ...And it is larger too of course.
Let me try to recoup the exact URL image address and I'll email it to you. :) ...And thank you!



Paul, it is very similar to that, but without all the small stars glowing all around.
And the size is not much larger than this (just expand the center picture to the four corners and get rid of all those little stars surrounding it). ...Nothing fancy at all really, don't need that to email to you; I got way better pictures that I will eventually share with all here.
We'll have a thread from real pictures we took, and with comments allowed, of course,
and then another thread with strictly black and white pictures that could be from anywhere (photographs, abstracts, pictures, designs, wallpapers, etc.), just for looks only, and no comments. And they certainly don't need to be our own; like I said from anywhere, on the Wide Web World.

No rush, I'll see how things go first, and the preferred directions from ALL the members on average. ...Democratically speaking. :)
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